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[AFE 06] ASSOCIATION FRANÇAISE DE L’ECLAIRAGE,“Recommandations relativesà l’éclairage intérieur des lieux de travail”,2006.

[ANS 07] ANSI,“Specifications for the chromaticity of solid state lighting products”,ANSIC78.377,2007.

[BOI 07] BOISSARD S.,“Optimisation of mixing of LED-based light for object pres-entation.Comparison with traditional light sources”,CIE26thsession.Beijing,China,p.D1:30-33,2007.

[CIE 87] CIE,“International lighting vocabulary”,CIE 17.4,1987.

[CIE 95] CIE,“Method of measuring and specifying color rendering properties of light source”,CIE 13.3,1995.

[CIE 02a] CIE,“Glare from small,large and complex sources”,CIE 147,2002.

[CIE 02b] CIE,“CIE equations for disability glare”,CIE 146,2002.

[CIE 04] CIE,“Colorimetry,3rd edition”,CIE 015,2004.

[CIE 04] CIE,“A color appearance model for color management systems:CIECAM02”,CIE 159,2004.

[CIE 07a] CIE,“Measurement of LEDs”,CIE 127,2007.

[CIE 07b] CIE,“Color Rendering of white LED light sources”,CIE 177,2007.

[DAV 05] DAVIS W.,OHNO Y.,“Toward an improved color rendering metric”,Pro-ceedingsoftheSPIE,vol.5941,p.1G1-6,2005.

[IES 07] IESNA,“Technical memorandum on light emitting diode(LED)sources and systems”,IESNA TM-16-05.

[KEM 95] VAN KEMENADE J.T.C.,VAN DER BURGT P.J.M.,“Towards a us-er oriented description of color rendition of light sources”,Proc23rdSession,New Delhi,CIE 119,p.43-46,1995.

[LI 06] LI,C.,LUO,M.R.,“Quality of LED based daylight simulators”,CGIV2006.247-250.

[LUM 07] LUMILEDS,“Understanding power LEDs lifetime analysis”,White Paper,http://www.lumileds.com/docs/docs.cfm?docType=16,05/22/2007.

[MAH 09] MAHLER E.,EZRATI J.-J.,VIÉNOT F.,“Testing LED lighting for color discrimination and color rendering”,ColorResearch&Application,vol.34,p.8-17,2009.

[NAK 04] NAKANO Y.,TAHARA H.,SUEHARA K.,KOHDA J.,YANO T.,“Color rendering simulator using multispectral camera and its application to evaluating white LEDs light sources”,CIEx026,p.132-133,2004.

[OHN 05] OHNO Y.,“Spectral design considerations for white LEDs color render-ing”,OpticalEngineering,vol.44.p.111302,2005.

[SAN 04] SÁNDOR N.,BODROGI P.,CSUTI P.,KRÁNICZ B.,SCHANDA J.,“Di-rect visual assessment of color rendering”,Proc.CIE25thSession,San Diego,US,p.D1:42-45,2003.

[SCH 07] SCHANDA J.,Colorimetry,UnderstandingtheCIESystem,Wiley,Hobo-ken,2007.

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[SPE 06] SPEIER I.,SALSBURY M.,“Color temperature tunable white light LED sys-tem”,Sixth international conference on solid state lighting,Proc.ofSPIE,Vol.63371F,p.1-12,2006.

[SZA 07] SZABÓF.,SCHANDA J.,BODROGI P.,RADKOV E.,“A comparative study of new solid state light sources”,Proc.CIE26thSession,p.D1:18-21,2007.

[TAG 06] TAGUCHI T.,“Developing white LED lighting systems and its technological roadmap in Japan”,JournalofLightandVisualEnvironment,vol.30,n°3,p.65-70,2006.

[TAK 07] TAKAHASHI H.,IRIKURA T.,MORIYAMA T.,TODA M.,IWAMOTO M.,“Discomfort glare and annoyance caused by white LED lamp”,CIE26thSession,Beijing,China,p.D1:80-83,2007.

[VAN 07] VAN DER BURGT P.J.M.,VAN KEMENADE J.T.C.,“About color rendition of light sources.The balance between silplicity and accuracy”,CIE26thSession,Beijing,China,p.D1:26-29,2007.

[VIE 07] VIÉNOT F.,EZRATI J.-J.,BOUST C.,MAHLER E.,“Grading LED illu-mination:from color rendering indices to specific light quality indices”,CIE26thsession,Beijing,China,p.D1:22-25,2007.

[VIE 08] VIÉNOT F.,MAHLER E.,EZRATI J.-J.,BOUST C.,RAMBAUD A.,BRICOUNE A.,“Color appearance under LED illumination:the visual judgment of observers”,JournalofLightandVisualEnvironment,vol.32,p.208-213,2008.

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[YAG 04] YAGUCHI H.,ENDOW N.,MORIYAMA T.,SHIOIRI S.,“Categorical col-or rendering of LED light sources”,CIEx026,p.20-23,2004.


