3.3 省略法
3.3.1 英译汉的省略法
省略法可以从语法角度和修辞角度两个方面分别进行探讨。 语法角度
例1: They went into dinner.It was excellent,and the wine was good.Its influence presently had its effect on them.They talked not only without acrimony,but even with friendliness.
例2:All those years in the military,where there were certain standards and rules; where young men treated their superiors with respect; where you gave an order and it was obeyed; where a uniform meant you were all on the same side.
例3:When I first entered the university,everything seemed new to me: the environment,the crowd of people and even the magnetic card telephone below our dormitory building.
例4:In order to survive,to feed,clothe and shelter himself and his children,man is engaged in a constant struggle with nature.
例5:If you want to kill a snake you must hit it first on the head and if you want to catch a band of robbers you must first catch their leader.
例6:Peter has always enjoyed claiming that it was he and not George,who was the first to reach the summit of the mountain.
例7:He considered the National Security Council too large and bulky and thus too leaky,too many people who talked too much.
例8:Today,entering for the examination,you are going to be entirely on you own,so you will have to take care of yourselves!
例9:At present,the contribution made by science and technology to agriculture accounts for about 35 percent of the agricultural production increase,while it exceeds 60 percent in the agricultural advanced countries.
例10:Any substance is made of atoms whether it is a solid,a liquid or a gas.
例11:The mother sub was cruising near Wake Island on December 2nd when we heard hostilities were to begin December 7th.
例12:In winter,it is much colder in the North than it is in the South.
例13: These developing countries cover vast territories,encompass a large population and abound in natural resources.
【分析】英语句子中一般必须有谓语动词,而汉语句子中的谓语并不一定非由动词充当,形容词和名词等同样可以作谓语。原文中cover的动词词性和意义在译文中并没有体现,而是省略了。需要注意的是翻译不能对原文内容作任何删减,所以,采用省略法必须以不损害原文的内容为前提。绝不可想删就删,随心所欲。 修辞角度
例1:How could someone possibly know you like this? Some stranger,some author,some character.It's like they're seeing inside your soul.This book existed inside some book store,on a shelf,maybe handled by other people and really it was just waiting for you pick it up and crack the spine.It was waiting to speak to you.To say,“You are not alone.”
例2:As scheduled,American and Chinese diplomats met on January 20,at the Chinese embassy.It was their first get-together in more than two years.
3.3.2 汉译英中的省略法
【译文】Comrade Guo Moruo once said,“The people of China have always been courageous enough to probe into things,to make inventions and to make revolution.”
【译文】The restoration of tropical forests will not only protect thousands of little known species,but also help absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere—delaying the“greenhouse effects”on warning the earth.
【译文】Numerous shoals scattered over the 200kms course give rise to many eddies.Pounding on the midstream rocks,the river roars thunderously.
【译文】But the artist is born to pick,and choose,and group with science,these elements,that the result may be beautiful—as the musician gathers his notes,and forms his chords,until he brings forth from the chaos glorious harmony.
1.There are likely to be resting-points or cadences in the course of the melody; some are momentary,some more strongly defined; there is virtually always a decisive cadence at the end.
2.In this way the students learn to readily identify various narrow and wide simple and compound intervals within half a year.
3.The Dragon Boat Festival on the5th day of the 5th lunar month(around early June) is celebrated in memory of Qu Yuan,an ancient poet and loyal minister who drowned himself while in exile from a corrupt court.
4.Intermediary institutions affiliated to government departments should gradually cut their ties with their departments and perform their functions as prescribed by law following a principle of fairness,transparency and justice.
5.Suddenly and thoroughly enlightened by his friend's kind warning,Mr.S sighed with feeling,“How true it is that one can learn more from the talk of a wise person than from ten years'reading! Otherwise I may lose her through oversight.”
6.All the prayers said the same: There was a God Who sees,Who hears,Who takes pity on man,Who contains His Wrath,Who forgives sin,Who wants men no repent,Who punishes evil deeds,who rewards good deeds in this world and—what was even more—in the other.
7.With September,comes a sense of autumn,it creeps in on a misty dawn and vanishes in the hot afternoon.It tiptoes through the tree-tops,rouging a few leaves,and then rides a tuft of thistle down across the valley and away.
8.I never in my life saw a man more intent on being agreeable than Mr.Elton.It is down right labor to him where ladies are concerned.With men he can be rational and unaffected,but when he has ladies to please every feature works.
9.But when she was there beside the sea,absolutely alone,she cast the unpleasant,pricking garments from her,and for the first time in her life she stood naked in the open air,at the mercy of the sun,the breeze that beat upon her,and the waves that invited her.
10.Is there anything in the world so cruel as bringing up a girl in absolute ignorance of housework,believing that all her days she's going to be waited on hand and foot,and that marriage is one long swoon of endearments.