[1]Taviss Irene.Review:Supplement to the Sociology of Invention.By Gilfillan,S.Colum [J].Technology and Culture,1974,15(1):136-138.
[2]关于吉尔菲兰生平的资料主要来源于:Gilfillan S Colum.An Ugly Ducking’s Swan Song:the Autobiography of S.Colum Gilfillan[J].Sociological Abstracts,1970(18):i-xl.
[3]Gilfillan S Colum.Series of Articles on the Social Principles of Invention[J],The Journal of the Patent Office Society,1934(16):30,307,544,769,832.1935(17):71,154,216.
[4]Godin Beno5t.Innovation Without the Word:William F.Ogburn’s Contribution to Technological Innovation Studies[J].Minerva,2010(48):277-307.
[5]Barbe Bernard,Robert K Merton.Brief Bibliography for the Sociology of Science[J].Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,1952,80(2),Contributions to the Analysis and Synthesis of Knowledge,140-154.
[6]MacLeod Christine.Heroes of Invention:Technology,Liberalism and British Identity,1750-1914[M].Cambridge,New York:Cambridge University Press,2007:1-22.
[7]Usher A P.A History of Menchanical Invention[M].Harvard University Press,1954:60-61.
[8]French Gilbert James.Life and Times of Samuel Crompton of Hall-in-the-Wood [M].Manchester:Charles Simms and Co.,1862:160.
[9]Smiles Samuel.Lives of the Engineers:The Steam-engine.Boulton and Watt[M].J.Murray,1904:3.
[10]Smiles Samuel.Life and Labor or Characteristics of Men of Industry,Culture and Genius[M].Montana:Kessinger Publishing,2003:116.
[11]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:3.
[12]Macleod Cristine.Concepts of Invention and the Patent Controversy in Victorian Britain [M]//Robert Fox Edited.Technological Change:Methods and Themes in the History of Technology.UK.US.etc:Harwood Academic Publishers,1996:137-153.
[13]Epstein Ralph C.Industrial Invention:Heroic,or Systematic?[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1926,40(2):232-272.
[14]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:73.
[15]Gilfillan S Colum.Who Invented It?[J].The Scientific Monthly,1927,25(6):529-534.
[16]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:74.
[17]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:10.
[18]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:3.
[19]Ogburn W F,Gilfillan S Colum.The Influence of Invention and Discovery[R]//US President’s Research Committee on Social Trends,Recent Social Trends in the United States.New York:McGraw-Hill,1933,Volume I:159.
[20]Gilfillan S Colum.Who Invented It?[J].The Scientific Monthly,1927,25(6):529-534.
[21]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:6.
[22]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:14.
[23]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:43-44.
[24]Macleod Cristine.Concepts of Invention and the Patent Controversy in Victorian Britain [M]//Robert Fox Edited.Technological Change:Methods and Themes in the History of Technology.U.K.U.S.etc:Harwood Academic Publishers,1996:137-153
[25]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:52-54.
[26]Furfey Paul Hanly.Steam Power:A Study in the Sociology of Invention[J].The A-merican Catholic Sociological Review,1944,5(3):143-153.
[27]Ogburn W F.Review:the Sociology of Invention.By Gilfillan,S.Colum[J].The A-merican Journal of Sociology,1936,42(1):126-129
[28]Usher A P.Review:the Sociology of Invention.By Gilfillan,S.Colum[J].American Sociological Review,1936,(1):152-153
[29]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:47.
[30]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:47.
[31]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:45.
[32]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:6.(www.chuimin.cn)
[33]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:7.
[34]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:58.
[35]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:58.
[36]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:51-52.
[37]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:49.
[38]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:54-55.
[39]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:56.
[40]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:55.
[41]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:57.
[42]Ogburn W F,Adams,J.L.and Gilfillan,S.Colum.The Social Effects of Aviation [M].Cambridge(Mass.):Riverside Press,1946:68.
[43]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:131.
[44]Gilfillan S Colum.Social Implications of Technical Advance:A Review of the Literature [J],Current Sociology,1952,1(2-3):191-207
[45]Gilfillan S Colum.Social Implications of Technical Advance:A Review of the Literature [J],Current Sociology,1952,1(2-3):191-207.
[46]Gilfillan S Colum.An Ugly Ducking’s Swan Song:the Autobiography of S Colum Gilfillan[J].Sociological Abstracts,1970(18):i-xl.
[47]Gilfillan S Colum.Social Effects of Inventions[R]//US National Resources Committee,Technological Trends and National Policy,Including the Social Implications of New Inventions.Washington:USGPO.1937:24-38.
[48]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:131-132.
[49]Gilfillan S Colum.Social Effects of Invention[R]//US National Resources Committee,Technology Trends and National Policy,Including the Social Implications of New Inventions,Washington:USGPO:1937:24-38.
[50]Gilfillan S Colum.Social Effects of Invention[R]//US National Resources Committee,Technology Trends and National Policy,Including the Social Implications of New Inventions,Washington:USGPO:1937:24-38.
[51]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:139.
[52]Gilfillan S Colum.Social Effects of Invention[R]//US National Resources Committee,
Technology Trends and National Policy,Including the Social Implications of New Inventions,Washington:USGPO:1937:24-38.
[53]Gilfillan S Colum.Invention as a Factor in Economic History[J].The Journal of Economic History,Supplement:The Task of Economic History,1945(5):66-85.
[54]Westrum Ron.Technologies and Society:the Shaping of People and Things[M].Belmont,Calif.:Wadsworth Pub.Co,1991:58.
[55]Bright James R.Thennological Forecasting for Industry and Government:Methods and Appliations[M].Englewood Cliffs,N J.:Prentice-Hall,1968:1.
[56]Ogburn W F.Machines and Tomorrow’s World[M].Washington:National Resources Committee,1938:9.
[57]Bright James R.Technology Forecasting Literature:Emergence and Impact on Technological Innovation[M]//P.Kelly and M.Kranzberg(Eds.),Technological Innovation:A Critical Review of Current Knowledge.San Francisco,Calif:San Francisco Press,1978,Volume II,Chapter 13:369-475..
[58]Gilfillan S Colum.Social Effects of Invention[R]//US National Resources Committee,Technology Trends and National Policy,Including the Social Implications of New Inventions,Washington:USGPO:1937:24-38.
[59]Ogburn W F,Gilfillan S Colum.The Influence of Invention and Discovery[R]//US President’s Research Committee on Social Trends,Recent Social Trends in the United States.New York:McGraw-Hill,1933,Volume I:163.
[60]Ogburn W F,Thomas,Dorothy.Are Inventions Inevitable?A Note on Social Evolution Source[J].Political Science Quarterly,1922,37(1):83-98
[61]Gilfillan S Colum.The Prediction of Inventions[R]//US National Resources Committee,Technology Trends and National Policy,Including the Social Implications of New Inventions,Washington:USGPO:1937:15-23
[62]Gilfillan S Colum.The Prediction of Inventions[R]//US National Resources Committee,Technology Trends and National Policy,Including the Social Implications of New Inventions,Washington:USGPO:1937:15-23.
[63]Gilfillan S Colum.The Prediction of Technical Change[J].Review of Economics and Statistics,1952,34(4):368-385.
[64]Westrum Ron.Technologies and Society:the Shaping of People and Things[M].Belmont,Calif.:Wadsworth Pub Co,1991:57-58.
[65]Taviss Irene.Review:Supplement to the Sociology of Invention.By Gilfillan,S.Colum [J].Technology and Culture,1974,15(1):136-138.
[66]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935.62.
[67]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935.79.
[68]Gilfillan S Colum.The Sociology of Invention:An Essay in the Social Causes of Technic Invention and Some of its Social Results:Especially as Demonstrated in the History of the Ship[M].Chicago:Follett Publishing Company,1935:44.
[69]Godin Beno5t.Innovation Without the Word:William F.Ogburn’s Contribution to Technological Innovation Studies[J].Minerva,2010(48):277-307.