首页 理论教育ISA冲浪规则与竞赛管理手册+比赛官员职责及选拔


【摘要】:c.To seed the surfers competing in the event in accordance with these Rules.根据规定合理安排选手竞赛顺序。g.To apply the penalties as laid out in the ISA Disciplinary Codeand to impose the appropriate penalties as indicated in this code.适用《ISA纪律守则》规定的处罚,并按本守则规定处以适当处罚。ISA主席有权自行决定上诉陪审团的额外成员。

i.Technical Director-To be appointed by the Technical Commit tee of the ISA to manage the beach presentation and other aspects of the event.TD reports to the ISA Executive Director.The TD is the highest event official.The TD may modify or define an unclear interpretation in the rule book or situation at an ISA Event.The TD works closely with the Contest Director to manage the event delivery on a daily basis.The Contest Director and all other event officials,report to the Technical Director.The Technical Director and Contest Director posit ions may be combined at ISA events at the discretion of the ISA Technical Committee.


ii.Contest Director-To be selected by the ISA Technical Committee based on Professional,International and National criteria.


a.To work with the Head Judge in all aspects of the running of the event(see duties of Head Judge and Contest Administration Rules).


b.To apply the Rules of Competition as laid out in Sections 2&3.


c.To seed the surfers competing in the event in accordance with these Rules.


d.To apply the Contest Format,as determined by the Executive Committee.


e.To maintain a daily updated team points total and to distribute same to all team managers,ISA officials and media by 20h00 at the end of each day of competition.


f.To convene officials,judges and managers meetings when necessary.


g.To apply the penalties as laid out in the ISA Disciplinary Code(Section 11)and to impose the appropriate penalties as indicated in this code.


iii.Jury of Appeal-the Jury of Appeal shall be composed of the ISA Technical Director,ISA Contest Director,ISA Executive Director and the ISA President,or his representative,and shall be convened upon request by one of its members.The ISA President shall have the right to appoint additional members to the Jury of Appeal on site,at his discretion.The Jury of Appeal may be called to hear questions of penalties,infringements of the rules,disqualifications or other non-Anti-doping related matters.


iv.Head Judge[s]-Top ranking professional judges will be hired by the ISA and ratified by ISA Executive Committee as Head Judges after receiving recommendation from the ISA Technical Committee.Selection and the number of Head Judges is determined solely by the ISA Executive Committee.Head Judges will be paid a salary as outlined by the ISA.


v.Judges- The Technical Committee recommends the Judging Panel based on Professional,International and National criteria.


a.Judges will be selected by the ISA Technical Committee(TC)using the comprehensive ISA Judges database to appoint the most appropriate International and/or National Judges.The TC’s selection will be based on a Judge’s ISA event experience,accreditation level,professional surfing judging experience and internal ISA rating.Nations may supply names and CV of Judges they consider appropriate for ISA level Judging duties.ISA TC will review.Upon the decision of the ISA TC,each Judge will be notified of their appointment directly.No additional judges can be added to or dismissed from the ISA selected panel by the ISA Head Judge unless specific agreement is received from the ISA Contest Director after consultation with the ISA Technical Committee[or representative present].All Judges MUST have fundamental understanding of the English language.


b.Selection of Judges for Single Podium Events(WSG/WMSC/WSUPSC/WBC/WLSC)is based on the following criteria:


Appointed Judges:A selection of seven(7)appointed paid judges and one or two(1-2)appointed paid priority judges bringing the total number of judges to 10-11(including 2 Head Judges),will be approved by the ISA Technical Committee.Appointed Judges will be paid a salary as outlined by the ISA.ISA Appointed Judges will be regarded as having“no national affiliation”and will be appointed based on their demonstrated international judging experience.


c.Selection of Judges for Two Podium Events(WSG/WJSC)is based on the following criteria:


①Appointed Judges:A selection of fourteen(14)appointed paid judges and three(3)appointed paid priority judges bringing the total number of judges to 20(including 3 Head Judges),will be approved by the ISA Technical Committee.Appointed Judges will be paid a salary as outlined by the ISA.ISA Appointed Judges will be regarded as having“no national affiliation”and will be appointed based on their demonstrated international judging experience.


②In two podium events,when/if the competition is reduced to just one podium the HJs in consultation with the CD and TD will nominate in maximum the 9(nine)best judges based in the last day’s performance to judge the remaining days with a corresponding roster in order do not have two judges from the same country judging the same heat.


vi.Tabulator-Duties vary according to the presence of a scoring computer.If a scoring computer is being used then the Tabulator will basically check the typing input from the judge’s personal record sheet to the computer printout,immediately the heat concludes.Any irregularities are brought to the attention of the Head Judge.


If a manual system is being used then the process is as follows:


a.On receipt of the completed Judges’sheet at the end of a heat,the Tabulators will immediately check to see if:


①All the Judges’sheets have been handed in and completed legibly on paper.


②That the correct number of waves has been scored on each sheet for each surfer.


③That any/all interference calls have been recorded.


b.In the event that an interference call is recorded by the majority of Judges,the Tabulator will notify the Contest Director of this fact in terms of the protest rule.No tabulation of the results of the heat will take place until approval is given by the Contest Director.


c.If the ride has been missed an attempt will be made to identify the missing ride by referring to other Judges sheets,under the direction of the Head Judge.


d.If the ride is identified to the satisfaction of the Head Judge then a score is given to the ride:


—Averaging the scores awarded by other Judges for the ride.


—Taking this average score and adjusting it,if necessary to bring it into line with the Scoring Spread that the errant Judges used.


e.When the Head Judge is satisfied that the best attempt has been made to establish correct value of the missed ride,this value will be written on the Judging Sheet and signed by the Head Judge.


f.Where interference is ruled and the surfer’s appeal is not upheld,then the interference is tabulated by applying the provisions of the applicable Rule.


g.On completion of these formalities,the Judges’sheets may be totaled.The TWO best scoring waves will be circled and the total entered in the total column.The heat places are then calculated and entered on the Judges’sheet.The surfer with the highest score will receive 1st place,the second highest score 2nd place,and so on.If a Judge ties two or more surfers,the places awarded to each of the tied surfers will be the average of the affected placing points added together(e.g.If 3rd,4th and 5th are tied:3+4+5=12.Divided by 3 placed giving and average placing of 4).


h.When no further calculations are required on the Judges’sheets the results are transcribed onto a Tally Sheet,which is completed in the following way:


①The Competitor’s names are entered on tally sheet.


②The Judges’numbers are entered across the page at the top of each column.


③Positions are copied down beneath each Judge.


④The highest and lowest positions are crossed off for each surfer.


⑤The positions that remain are added and entered into the total in the total points column,then;


⑥Complete the competitors’heat places.


i.If at this point a tie situation occurs,the Tabulator will proceed to break the tie as indicated in the Tie Break Rule.


①In a four-person heat,ties must be broken by a general judging consensus using the plus/minus system on the judging master sheet;i.e.,the two tied surfers five places are compared and marked“+”for the highest and“-”for the lowest.


—Most“+”marks wins.


—In the case of a three-way tie,the plus/minus system is used to find the top two surfers,then used again to split these surfers.


—If the tie cannot be broken by using the above system the next process is to go back to the BEST WAVE;i.e.,drop the lowest wave score on the tied judges sheets only and recalculate.


②Count backs on tied judging sheets go to the best wave,then 3 waves,then best four waves and so on until the tie is broken.


j.NOTE:Section 3.D is applicable if an officially endorsed contest computer system is not used.If the computer system is used and breaks down,the Head Judge may choose to switch to the manual tabulations described here(Section 3.D).This will be adopted at the point designated by the Head Judge and Contest Director.


k.The procedure for calculation of the final surfer wave scores using the contest computer system is as follows:


①The judge with the higher score and the judge with the lower score for each wave will be deleted.The average of the other three judge’s scores(in a 5 judge panel)will be the“wave score average”.


②The sum of the wave score average for the two best scoring waves of each surfer will decide the heat places.


③In the case of a Tie for a place(s):In the case of ties in the sum of the best two waves the tie will be broken as follows(applied only to the surfers directly involved in the tie):


—Consider just“the wave score average”for the ONE best wave.If the tie persists,只考虑一个最佳浪的“波浪平均分”。如平局仍存在;

—Consider the“total of the wave score averages”for the THREE best waves.If the tie persists,


—Consider the“total of the wave score averages”for the FOUR best waves,and continue this procedure until the tie is broken.


④If the tie still remains after averaging all of their waves,the result will be decided by:


—Consider the WAVE average with FIVE JUDGES for the TWO best waves.


—Consider the WAVE average with FIVE JUDGES for the ONE best wave.


—Consider the WAVE average with FIVE JUDGES for the THREE best waves.


—Consider the WAVE average with FIVE JUDGES for the FOUR best waves,and continue this procedure until the tie is broken.


NOTE:In the case of ties and interferences where the computer has corrected down to TWO decimal points in numbers with more than TWO decimals(i.e.:3,335=3,34,or 3,666666666=3,67)and this arrangement results in potentially different places to that using extended decimal calculations,the computer correction to two decimal places will be taken as the official score.


vii.Media Director-Is responsible to the Contest Director/Event Co-ordinator for the preparation and implementation of a media plan for the event,which will consist of pre,during and post event elements,together aimed at maximizing interest in the event,promoting the participation of all stakeholders[generally in order of importance]and the distribution of factual information and results to targeted and general audiences.


viii.Beach Announcer[s]-Primary responsibility is to present the event to the spectators and competitors in an entertaining and instructive fashion and to lead the Assistant Announcer in bringing the surfing information from the bio sheets and scoring computer to the audience and surfers.The Head Announcer must provide consistent live scoring updates to the surfers at appropriate times and situations.The Head Announcer reports to the Contest Director/Event Co-Ordinator.


The Assistant Announcer manages the flow of information from the computer and bios to the Head Announcer and directly reports to him.


ix.Beach Marshal[s]-All beach marshals must be English speaking.They will ensure that all competitors are checked in for their heat,that they have the correct lycra contest vest color and that they have been personally informed of the heat rules[maximum number of waves that can be ridden by each competitor,number of waves to be included in the score,duration of heat,timing disc colors,horn blasts(one blast to start and two to finish heat),paddle out time and starting point].Competitors must be requested to wear their contest vest from collection at the Beach Marshall before their heat to return after the heat.


x.Scoring Computer Operator-The scoring computer will provide real time results after calculating the wave scores punched in by the individual judges.This information is used by the Announcer to inform competitors in the current heat.Scores allocated and scores needed to progress are available.The Operator will provide terminals for each judge,a central scoring management computer and TV monitors for the Head Judge,Announcer,media and VIP areas as required.


xi.Timers,Disk Operators,Spotters-Work on a roster operating timing disk,priority/interference disk[s]and calling colors for the judge panel.


xii.Security-All official areas must be kept free from unauthorized entry.Personal safety of contestants as they move to and from the water for their heats is essential.The Judging Podium must be secure with access to event personnel only.Overnight security is necessary for events with facilities.


xiii.Judges’Video Replay Operator-The Judges’Video Replay Operator will provide real time video replays as requested by the Judging Panel,Head Judge,Contest Director,or Technical Director.


xiv.Judges’Replay Camera Operators-The Judges’Replay Camera Operators shall capture every wave surfed in any given heat,which will feed into the Judges’Video Replay Operator’s system instantaneously.There should be at least one(1)Judges’Replay Camera Operator per surfer in the heat.
