首页 理论教育ISA冲浪规则与竞赛管理手册-官方ISA赛事条约


【摘要】:⑥Officially recognized“associated”persons accompanying teams[negotiable with ISA].正式认可的相关“随行”人员[可与ISA协商]。c.For persons accompanying teams to avail themselves of these special services and opportunities of involvement in official activities,they must be identified as an Official Participating person and are required to pay the official“ISA Registration Fee”in order to receive event benefits.随行人员必须被认定为正式参与人员之后,才能使用这些特别服务和获得参与正式活动的机会,且他们必须缴付正式的“ISA报名费”才可获得活动福利。②Only paid Team Members can participate in the Opening Ceremony/Parade of Nations/Official ISA Meetings.只有付费队员才可参加开幕式/国家游行/ISA官方会议。

i.Participating Persons


a.Official Participating persons shall be considered Team Members and include,but not be limited to:


①All Athletes participating in the event,whether surfing or serving as a team alternate


②Team Manager and supporting persons,whether staff or volunteer


③Team Coach(es)and supporting persons,whether staff or volunteer


④Persons providing services to Team Members and their assistants,such as physiotherapists,masseuse,medical persons,chaperones


⑤Team Media specialists accompanying teams to provide services


⑥Officially recognized“associated”persons accompanying teams[negotiable with ISA].


b.An integral part of the Host Nation’s responsibilities,which are audited by the ISA,is to provide various services to the ISA and its member national teams during these events.These services are set out in the official hosting agreement and include,but are not limited to,discounted and special accommodation and meals;facilities for teams on the beach;provision of opening and closing ceremonies which provide team participation in various ways;communication access during the event and provision of various meetings and special event activities.


c.For persons accompanying teams to avail themselves of these special services and opportunities of involvement in official activities,they must be identified as an Official Participating person and are required to pay the official“ISA Registration Fee”in order to receive event benefits.


d.Official Protocol for Participating Persons.


①Only paid Team Members can wear Official Team Uniform during any official event activity.


②Only paid Team Members can participate in the Opening Ceremony/Parade of Nations/Official ISA Meetings.


③Only paid Team Members can use free or paid services provided by Organizers,including but not limited to ground transportation,special hotel team rates,etc.


④Only paid Team Members are to be allocated official Wristbands and have the right to enter“designated areas”at the event site and other associated activities.


⑤NOTE:Payment of registration fees for this event,official participating status,identification and security are linked together in these ISA international events.Infringing the intention and effectiveness of these protocols is regarded as demanding a severe disciplinary action.Teams found to be fraudulently attempting to avoid payment of registration fee,will receive the penalty of paying double in registration fees(having to pay$600 USD instead of the$300).


⑥Associated Persons may include,but not limited to:Supporter Groups,family of team members,friends,etc.


⑦On a case by case basis,official dispensation may be given by the ISA President or Executive Director to other associated persons to participate in official event activities,provided application is made in writing to the ISA Contest Director and sufficiently in advance of the activity,so the ISA may properly assess the situation and plan for the change.This decision is at the discretion of the ISA Contest Director upon consultation with the ISA Executive Director.


⑧Associated persons are not to be issued with any items of“official team uniform”or accessories to indicate the appearance of a current official team member.ISA recommends any promotional items and clothing provided to supporter’s groups by national member teams,be clearly labeled as such.


ii.Official Identification[wristbands/lanyards]


These are issued to athletes and team officials during the on-site check-in appointment.Teams are to receive one(1)band per individual.These are“non-transferable”,accountable items and must remain on EACH team member’s wrist for the duration of the event.They are a critical security device and will identify team members from the public at all times in all locations.Wristbands will also indicate to event security the status and rights of the wearer to enter various parts of the event facilities and functions.Wristbands are the responsibility of the Team Manager and must not be exchanged or temporarily distributed to other persons.If Wristbands are in poor condition and need to be exchanged for new ones,the old one must be given to an ISA Employee at the ISA office at time of exchange in order for a new Wristband to be issued.A Wristband replacement,without the original returned,is required to be purchased from the ISA,unless special circumstances to be decided upon by the ISA Executive Committee exist.
