首页 理论教育ISA冲浪规则与竞赛管理手册-申办ISA赛事



Bids to host any ISA sanctioned event must be submitted in writing in accordance with the ISA Invitation to Bid Manual on the official letterhead of the applicant organization or entity to the ISA President and/or Executive Director.Such bids must be signed by the authorized individual and will be evaluated by the ISA Management for submission to the ISA Executive Committee for final decision.In the event of more than one bid being received,the Executive Director shall present a comparative analysis to the ISA President for a final decision by the Executive Committee.

The ISA Invitation to Bid Manual,as well as hosting agreements and questionnaires,are subject to change and may

be revised from time to time by the ISA Management with the approval of the ISA President.(www.chuimin.cn)

