首页 理论教育汽车车身材料铝合金生命周期环境影响评价研究结果


【摘要】:参照ISO 14040-1999 标准,利用GaBi 软件,通过对原铝生产、铝合金板材生产、铝合金车身及覆盖件的制造、使用及报废回收等5 个阶段生命周期里的碳足迹和水足迹基本数值进行详细测算,表明没有必要刻意追求汽车车身材料为全铝,最好根据车身部件位置、形状和功能等实际情况综合优化材料应用,充分发挥不同材料的性能优势。

Environmental Impact Assessment for the Life Cycle of Aluminium Alloy Used as a Material for Manufacturing Automotive Body

付君伟(浙江农业商贸职业学院,绍兴 312071)

Fu Junwei(Zhejiang Agricultural Business College,Shaoxing 312071)

摘要 汽车动力消耗与整车质量息息相关,在保持原有安全性、灵便性和舒适性前提下,用铝合金板材替代钢板制造车身及覆盖件可以明显降低整车质量。参照ISO 14040-1999 标准,利用GaBi 软件,通过对原铝生产、铝合金板材生产、铝合金车身及覆盖件的制造、使用及报废回收等5 个阶段生命周期里的碳足迹和水足迹基本数值进行详细测算,表明没有必要刻意追求汽车车身材料为全铝,最好根据车身部件位置、形状和功能等实际情况综合优化材料应用,充分发挥不同材料的性能优势。

关键词:铝合金 车身材料 碳足迹 水足迹 生命周期 环境影响评价(www.chuimin.cn)

Abstract Power consumption was closely related to the weight of automobiles.On the premise of keeping existing safety,handiness and comfort,the use of aluminium alloy plate to replace steel for manufacturing automotive body and panels could significantly reduce the vehicle weight.According to ISO 14040-1999 and by using GaBi software,the design should take account of the material and energy consumption and emission impact on the environment in the entire life cycle including raw material acquisition,parts production,and vehicle operation,till scrap recycling.Based on the measurement and estimation of carbon footprints and water footprints in detail,it has indicated that there would be no need to deliberately pursue all-aluminium body.It was better to optimise synthetically the adoption of materials according to the position,shape and function of components,so as to give full play to the performance advantages of different materials.

Key words:Aluminium alloy Car body material Carbon footprint Water footprint Life cycle Environmental impact assessment


随着科技快速发展,纯电动汽车无人驾驶汽车等概念不断涌现,无论现代汽车还是未来汽车,动力消耗与整车质量都息息相关。据统计,汽车整备质量每降低100 kg,百公里油耗一般可减少0.2 L。铝合金这种轻质材料已在奥迪A8、捷豹JaguarXFL、路虎极光揽胜等高端车型中得到应用[1],以捷豹JaguarXFL 轿车为例,其铝合金用量为222.75 kg,白车身总重为297 kg[2],铝合金占比高达75%,而采用钢板制造白车身质量则为719.40 kg。在保持原有安全性、灵便性和舒适性前提下,用铝合金板材替代钢板制造车身及覆盖件可以明显降低整车质量,且实现难度相对较小。但这样的设计改动需参照ISO14040-1999 标准,利用GaBi 软件从原材料获取、部件生产、汽车使用到报废回收整个生命周期评价(LCA)其物质和能量消耗以及排放对环境的影响,并通过碳足迹(LCAGCO2)和水足迹(LCAGH2O)指标评价铝合金车身及覆盖件生产应用的可持续性。