首页 理论教育基于声明的身份认证系统的实现




(微软(中国)有限公司 上海 200030)

摘要:介绍了基于声明的认证系统原理,探讨了其中的基本概念,如声明、安全令牌、发行机构、安全令牌服务以及应用系统,描述了其认证的数据流程。在工程实践中,讨论了基于微软Window Identity Framework(WIF)的解决方案,分析了使用WIF实现基于声明认证系统的原理与方法,并实现了一个原型系统。在此原型系统中,介绍了它的关键代码实现原理,同时也提供了核心数据库设计。在最后介绍了联合认证的概念。基于声明的认证系统可以很容易与其他同类型的认证系统连通,方便企事业单位进行联合认证。



Implementation of Claim Based Authentication System Solution(www.chuimin.cn)

DU Hongjun

(Microsoft China Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200030, China)

Abstract: This paper presents the design of claim based authentication system, describes common features in claim based authentication system, for instance, identity, security token, issue authority, secure token service(STS) and relying party. In practice, this paper implements a prototype system based on Microsoft Windows Identity Framework (WIF). This paper demonstrates how to use WIF to implement a claim based authenticated system. In the system, this paper provides key sample code and database system design. At last, federation authentication in claim based authentication system is introduced. Claim based authenticated system is easy to federate with other claim authentication identity provider. It is powerful for organization federation.

Keywords: Claim, Authentication, Identity Provider, Relying Party, Claim-aware Application, Security Assertion Markup Language, JSON Web Token (JWT)