首页 理论教育高效预测就餐系统数据的数理统计方法




上海华虹计通智能系统股份有限公司 上海 201206)

摘要:普通的就餐系统能够轻松统计出过往一段时间就餐次数和销售额,但缺少对未来就餐次数的预测以及销售额的估算。利用数理统计方法中的时间序列分析法(Time Series Analysis)预测就餐系统的就餐次数,使用二次趋势面分析方法(Trend Surface Analysis)预测就餐系统未来的销售额,为餐饮管理公司提供预测数据,以事先完成服务场地、人员招聘、制定服务方式的准备,并管理好现金流。



Reasonable Prediction of the Data of Dining Management System with Mathematical Statistics(www.chuimin.cn)


(Shanghai Huahong Jitong Smart Card System Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201206, China)

Abstract: The ordinary dining system can easily calculate the number of people and sales over the past few months, but there is a lack of predictions about the number of times to dine, and an estimate of sales. It is possible to predict the number of diners with Time Series Analysis method in Mathematical Statistics. It is also possible to forecast sales of the canteen with Trend Surface Analysis based on the previous prediction number. With the predication data the restaurant can arrange the services, recruit employees and improve accuracy of cash flow.

Keywords: Regression Analysis, Trend Surface Analysis, Time Series Analysis