首页 理论教育上海松江清真寺,古老建筑地图


【摘要】:Songjiang Mosque松江清真寺,又名真教寺、云间白鹤寺,位于松江老城区缸甏巷内,是上海地区最古老的清真寺,始建于元代至正年间。松江清真寺主体建筑有门厅、内外照壁、邦克楼、南北讲堂、穿廊、水房等。清真寺北向开门于缸甏巷,门厅上方有一镶嵌金边的竖匾,上书“敕建真教寺”,竖匾上部有二龙戏珠浮雕。清真寺的围墙有着江南园林的独特风格,墙身绵延起伏呈龙身状,又称龙墙,漏光叠瓦,极为壮观。

Songjiang Mosque







The Songjiang Mosque, the oldest in Shanghai, also known as the Zhenjiao or Yunjian Baihe Temple, is located in the Gangbeng Lane in Songjiang. The temple combines classical Chinese garden features with Islamic architecture.

The Songjiang Mosque include the entrance hall, exterior and interior screen walls, a minaret, north and south preaching halls, porches, and a water house. Above the entrance gate, in gold rim, is inscribed the message that the mosque was built on the emperor's order. The exterior screen wall greets visitors while the interior one prohibits pedestrians from viewing this sacred structure directly. On the west side of the wall rests the tomb of the founder, Darughachi of Songjiang.

Nearby, behind an unassuming door, a courtyard contains ancient stelae from the Ming and Qing dynasties, on which the history and various repairs have been recorded. On the west side of the courtyard stands a minaret reconstructed in 1559 (Ming). The magnificent central nave was built during the Ming dynasty, while the Mihrab dome is of Yuan-dynasty and blends Chinese and Islamic styles.

Elements in the Jiangnan garden combine to give it a unique style, including the undulating bounding wall called the “dragon wall”. On the north side of the main hall resides an evergreen juniper from the Ming dynasty. Combing both temple and garden, the complex still carries great charm after more than 600 years.




Hours : 9:00–16:00 except Ramadan.