首页 理论教育松江邱家湾天主堂:历史悠久、风貌独特的重要建筑


【摘要】:Qiujiawan Catholic Church邱家湾天主堂是松江最早的天主教堂,1985年被列为区级文物保护单位。她虔敬天主、乐善好施,在松江一带资助兴建大小天主堂多达140多座。邱家湾天主堂竣工于同治十三年,这一年适逢同治帝大婚,教堂举行大礼弥撒为皇帝祈祷。从清代后期到1990年代初,邱家湾天主堂屡次被废弃或占用,用途多次变化。1993年,邱家湾天主堂得到全面维修并重新投入使用,因其历史悠久、风貌独特成为松江地区重要的历史建筑。

Qiujiawan Catholic Church






The Qiujiawan Catholic Church was the first cathedral to govern Catholic churches in the regions of Songjiang, Qingpu, Baoshan, and Jiading. In 1985, it was listed as a cultural relic protected on the district level.

About seven bays wide and facing south, the church is constructed of brick and wood. The exterior walls are built using traditional techniques. It is laid out with a Greek-cross plan, Gothic facade, medieval-style columns, and with an interior decorated with Gothic windows and pillars painted in vibrant colors.

The church was built during the Chongzhen era of the Ming dynasty (1628—1644). The donor, Candida, was the second granddaughter of Xu Guangqi. She was born in 1607 (Ming) and was given her name from her birthday, the anniversary of Saint Candida. Later, she married Xu Yuandu, a despotic gentry in Songjiang.

Later church expansions were completed in the Gothic architectural style and included a cross-shaped layout in 1872 (Qing). Using traditional techniques, it might best be appreciated as a western building incorporating many Chinese elements. It was completed in 1874 around the time that the Tongzhi Emperor was married, for which the cathedral held a Solemn Mass and ceremony to pray for the emperor.

This church experienced a lot from the late Qing dynasty to the early 1990s. In 1993, the Qiujiawan Cathedral was fully renovated to better accommodate the needs of the local public and parishioners. It has become an important community landmark and symbol of local Songjiang pride due to its long history and distinct architectural appearance.




Hours: Mon–Sat 8:00–16:00, Sun 10:00–16:00.