首页 理论教育白铅矿是一种碳酸铅矿物,是铅矿的氧化带产物


【摘要】:Cerussite白铅矿是一种碳酸铅矿物,是铅矿的氧化带产物。宝石级白铅矿主要产自纳米比亚、俄罗斯、美国、澳大利亚和赞比亚等。白铅矿密度高,色散强,金刚光泽,但硬度低,宝石主要用于收藏。加拿大安大略皇家博物馆收藏有一颗重达896.39克拉的白铅矿刻面宝石。·白铅矿板状晶体Cerussite is a lead carbonate mineral that occurs in the oxidation zone of lead veins. Its crystal habits are highly varied and its colors are generally colorless or white to gray but may also be pale yellow, green or blue. Cerussite has a high refractive index, making faceted stones especially brilliant. However, they are too soft to be worn and are cut only for collectors.The major sources ate Namibia, Russia, Australia,Zambia, USA.



白铅矿密度高,色散强,金刚光泽,但硬度低,宝石主要用于收藏。加拿大安大略皇家博物馆(Royal Ontario Museum)收藏有一颗重达896.39克拉的白铅矿刻面宝石。


Cerussite is a lead carbonate mineral that occurs in the oxidation zone of lead veins. Its crystal habits are highly varied and its colors are generally colorless or white to gray but may also be pale yellow, green or blue. Cerussite has a high refractive index, making faceted stones especially brilliant. However, they are too soft to be worn and are cut only for collectors.The major sources ate Namibia, Russia, Australia,Zambia, USA.