首页 理论教育天青石-彩色宝石与矿物集萃


【摘要】:·天青石板状晶体和宝石Celestite, also known as celestine, is a strontium sulfate mineral that is commonly white but takes its name from the beautiful, transparent, light to medium blue tabular crystals that it occasionally forms. It commonly occurs in evaporite deposits and occasionally forms in hydrothermal deposits.Collector’s specimens mainly come from Madagascar,Mexico, Italy, Canada or the USA.·天青石晶洞天青石属硫酸锶的矿物,产自白云岩、白云质石灰岩及热液矿脉中。天青石具有两组解理完全。切面宝石的大小一般在1~3克拉,由于硬度低,很少用于首饰,主要用作收藏。加拿大收藏有20.1克拉蓝色切面宝石。晶体和晶洞是非常漂亮的天然观赏石。天青石暴嗮后易褪色。


Celestite, also known as celestine, is a strontium sulfate mineral that is commonly white but takes its name from the beautiful, transparent, light to medium blue tabular crystals that it occasionally forms. It commonly occurs in evaporite deposits and occasionally forms in hydrothermal deposits.Collector’s specimens mainly come from Madagascar,Mexico, Italy, Canada or the USA.


