首页 理论教育鱼眼石:彩色宝石与矿物珍藏


【摘要】:Apophyllite鱼眼石是一种含水钾钙硅酸盐矿物。鱼眼石常见气液内含物,颇具特征,常伴有裂隙。·鱼眼石晶体常呈尖锥状·鱼眼石的生长纹鱼眼石是低温热液矿物,产于基性火山岩的气孔中。鱼眼石性脆,硬度不高,宝石一般用作收藏,天然晶体可作为精美的观赏石。·鱼眼石双锥状晶体Apophyllite is a widespread mineral belonging to the phyllosilicates group. It frequently occurs with zeolite in basalt and less commonly in granite cavities in massive, tabular, or prismatic form. Its clear, aqua,or green crystals have high water content and will conduct electricity but will also flake when heated, hence its name meaning “get” and“leaf” in Greek.·鱼眼石的气液内含物与裂隙







Apophyllite is a widespread mineral belonging to the phyllosilicates group. It frequently occurs with zeolite in basalt and less commonly in granite cavities in massive, tabular, or prismatic form. Its clear, aqua,or green crystals have high water content and will conduct electricity but will also flake when heated, hence its name meaning “get” and“leaf” in Greek.
