首页 理论教育蓝铜矿:深蓝色宝石和矿物集-彩色多面体晶体


【摘要】:Azurite蓝铜矿是一种碱式碳酸铜矿物,俗称“石青”,主要产于铜矿床的氧化带,并与孔雀石伴生。颜色以深蓝色为主。玻璃至土状光泽,透明至不透明。有明显的多色性。但是蓝铜矿体色太深,很少琢磨成宝石。Azurite is a copper carbonate hydroxide named for its azure blue color.It typically forms tabular or prismatic crystals but can also be massive,stalactitic or botryoidal. Similar to malachite, azurite occurs in the oxidized areas of copper deposits. These two minerals are often found together.The major sources are in Namibia, USA, France, Mexico,Australia, Chile.·具有众多晶面体的蓝铜矿晶体



Azurite is a copper carbonate hydroxide named for its azure blue color.It typically forms tabular or prismatic crystals but can also be massive,stalactitic or botryoidal. Similar to malachite, azurite occurs in the oxidized areas of copper deposits. These two minerals are often found together.The major sources are in Namibia, USA, France, Mexico,Australia, Chile.
