Benitoite蓝锥矿是一种罕见的钡钛硅酸盐矿物。于1907年首次在美国加利福尼亚州圣贝尼托矿区发现。起初被误认为是蓝宝石。蓝锥矿在蛇纹岩中与柱晶石和钠沸石伴生。六方晶系,晶体呈六方复三角锥状。蓝锥矿色散很强,为0.044,与钻石的色散值一样,因此火彩胜过蓝宝石。·蓝锥矿六方复三角锥状晶体Benitoite is a rare blue barium titanium silicate that fluoresces under UV light. Gem-quality crystals have strong dispersion, making it nearly as brilliant as diamonds. Benitoite was discovered in 1907 in San Benito mine, California, USA, and California is the only place where gem-quality benitoite can be found. It was therefore named the official state gem of California in 1985.......