首页 理论教育普通金绿宝石:光彩独特的高透明度宝石


【摘要】:普通金绿宝石主要是指没有任何特殊光学效应的宝石,常见为黄色和黄绿色的透明品种,也有褐黄色、褐色,甚至浅蓝色的品种。普通金绿宝石常见1~10克拉,通常比较干净。金绿宝石有多种内含物特征,最常见的是气液二相包体以及平直的充液空穴和长管包体。·金绿宝石戒指·双膝状金绿宝石晶体Transparent yellow to greenish yellow chrysoberyl often demonstrate high clarity. It was popular in Europe during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries because of its extraordinary brilliance, high refractive index, semi-adamantine luster, as well as its high hardness, which is third after diamond and corundum. Major chrysoberyl deposits include Sri Lanka, Brazil and East Africa.







Transparent yellow to greenish yellow chrysoberyl often demonstrate high clarity. It was popular in Europe during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries because of its extraordinary brilliance, high refractive index, semi-adamantine luster, as well as its high hardness, which is third after diamond and corundum. Major chrysoberyl deposits include Sri Lanka, Brazil and East Africa.