首页 理论教育浸油处理提升祖母绿色彩


【摘要】:祖母绿通常都经过浸油处理,以改善祖母绿的颜色、提高净度,并且起到切磨加工时安全的作用。根据1997年国际珠宝首饰联盟的规则,祖母绿经绿色物质处理的必须注明“处理祖母绿”。·经有色油处理的祖母绿The filling of emerald fissures with colorless organic substance is regarded as an acceptable practice in international commerce and does not need to be declared. According to the World Jewelry Confederation however,emeralds treated with green-colored substance must be labeled as “treated emerald” .Oil filling-treat emerald show iridescence from the fracture. ·经无色油处理的祖母绿,在显微镜下有时仍然可见油脂物质彩虹的反光

(Emerald oil fracture filling)



The filling of emerald fissures with colorless organic substance is regarded as an acceptable practice in international commerce and does not need to be declared. According to the World Jewelry Confederation (CIBJO) however,emeralds treated with green-colored substance must be labeled as “treated emerald” (CIBJO 1997).

Oil filling-treat emerald show iridescence from the fracture. (Bottom right)
