首页 理论教育哥伦比亚祖母绿的内含物方解石和白云石


【摘要】:Because emerald often grows on metamorphic schist, it is likely to contain a significant amount of inclusions, as is the case with any crystal that grows on schist. The identification of emerald inclusions is the most important tool in distinguishing between genuine and synthetic emeralds as well as in determining the origin of a natural emerald.·哥伦比亚祖母绿中的方解石和白云石内含物·哥伦比亚祖母绿晶体巴西祖母绿巴西是世界上祖母绿重要的产地之一,早在1554年就有发现。









Because emerald often grows on metamorphic schist, it is likely to contain a significant amount of inclusions, as is the case with any crystal that grows on schist. The identification of emerald inclusions is the most important tool in distinguishing between genuine and synthetic emeralds as well as in determining the origin of a natural emerald.



(Brazil Emerald)巴西祖母绿

巴西是世界上祖母绿重要的产地之一,早在1554年就有发现。巴西祖母绿一般都产生在元古火山沉积岩中。矿山主要分布在巴西的西海岸,集中在巴伊亚州的萨林因哈(Salininha)和卡纳伊巴(Carnaíba)地区。著名的有Bahia, Ceara, Goias, Tocantins和Minas Gerais。其中在Brumdo的Bahia矿最早发现于1912年。但是产量最大、最主要的矿山为Minas Gerais。该矿山属政府所有,于16至17世纪开始进入大规模的开采。

Discovered in 1554, all of Brazil’s emerald deposits are located in Precambrian volcanic rocks. The main deposits are Minas Gerais,Bahia, Ceará, Goiás and Tocantins.



巴西祖母绿矿有两种产出类型,即伟晶岩型和云母片岩型。伟晶岩型的祖母绿晶莹通透,十分亮丽,瑕疵很少,甚至有十分纯净的,只是颜色较浅。云母片岩型的祖母绿,呈黄绿色,色泽较暗,透明度低,瑕疵严重,内含物最常见的有气液二相内含物、黑云母、白云石、黄铁矿等。Bahia矿除了产出以上两种类型的祖母绿外,还产有一种在珠宝市场上称“巴希亚祖母绿”(Bahia emerald)的宝石,因其含氧化钒而呈现一种祖母绿的颜色,其归属有争议。

There are two types of emerald mineralization in Brazil:the first type occurs in pegmatite, a type of highly crystallized igneous rock, and the second type occurs in ductile shear zones, zones that undergo great strain in contrast to the surrounding zones. Emerald that occurs in ductile shear zones are stratabound.

The typical inclusions of Brazil emerald are liquid and gas two-phase inclusions (page 76) and calcite,dolomite, biotite crystals. (Page 77)