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【摘要】:通过上述安排,泰国湾争议海域面积降至7 755平方海里。[69]现存的泰国湾内未解决的争议海域主要是柬埔寨和泰国的双边争议海域和三边、四边重叠争议海域。

图1.8 20世纪70年代泰国湾争议海域

Source:Clive Howard Schofield,Maritime boundary delimitation in the gulf of Thailand,Durham:Durham University,1999,p.251.Available at Durham ETheses Online:http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/4351/.

泰国湾争端当事国达成的划界前临时安排主要有:1979年2月21日,马来西亚和泰国为了开发两国争议海域的油气资源,签署了《马来西亚和泰王国为开发泰国湾两国大陆架划定区域内海床资源而建立联合管理局的谅解备忘录》(Memorandum of Understanding between Malaysia and the Kingdom of Thailand on the Establishment of the Joint Authority for the Exploitation of the Resources of the Sea Bed in a Defined Area of the Continental Shelf of the Two Countries in the Gulf of Thailand),1982年7月7日越南和柬埔寨签订了《关于越南和柬埔寨历史性水域的协议》(Agreement on the Historic Waters of Vietnam and Kampuchea)(以下简称“1982年越柬协议”),1990年马来西亚和泰国又签订了《马来西亚和泰王国政府关于建立马来西亚—泰国联合管理局及其他事项的1990协定》(1990 Agreement between the Government of Malaysia and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand on the Constitution and Other Matters Relating to the Establishment of the Malaysia-Thailand Joint Authority),1992年马来西亚和越南达成《马来西亚和越南社会主义共和国关于两国大陆架划定区域内石油勘探和开采的谅解备忘录》(1992 Memorandum of Understanding between Malaysia and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the Exploration and Exploitation of Petroleum in A Defined Area of the Continental Shelf Involving the Two Countries),2001年柬埔寨和泰国达成《柬埔寨和泰国关于重叠海域的谅解备忘录》(Memorandum of Understanding Between Thailand and Cambodia regarding the Area of their Overlapping Maritime Claims to the Continental Shelf)。通过上述安排,泰国湾争议海域面积降至7 755平方海里(约26597平方公里)。[69](参见图1.8、图1.9阴影部分)现存的泰国湾内未解决的争议海域主要是柬埔寨和泰国的双边争议海域和三边、四边重叠争议海域。

图1.9 目前泰国湾争议海域面积

Source:Clive Howard Schofield,Maritime boundary delimitation in the gulf of Thailand,Durham:Durham University,1999,p.254.Available at Durham ETheses Online:http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/4351/.

表1.1 泰国湾海域争议解决状况