首页 理论教育中东史下:现代化进程中的经济社会变革



也门具有农耕文明的悠久传统,堪称阿拉伯半岛的谷仓。也门内陆发达的灌溉工程和台田系统在古代世界闻名遐迩:马里卜水坝高16 米,宽680米,灌溉面积9 600公顷,见证了也门古代农业的繁荣。[533]内陆山谷以及东部沿海是也门主要的农作区域,普遍种植包括高粱、黍稷、玉米小麦大麦在内的粮食作物,内陆山谷的咖啡和鸦片以及东部沿海的烟草和棉花构成也门典型的经济作物,咖啡的出口则是也门几乎唯一的外汇来源。







自70年代起,也门的教育水平逐渐提高。在北也门,各类学校从1970年的700所增至1985年的5 000所,国民识字率从1962年的2.5%增至1985年的13%,1971年创建萨那大学。在南也门,学生总数从1967年的6.5万人增至1980年的27万人,识字率从1967年的20%增至1980年的40%,1975年创建亚丁大学。[543]另据1998年的统计,也门的男性识字率达到69%,女性识字率达到35%。[544]







自70年代起,也门的教育水平逐渐提高。在北也门,各类学校从1970年的700所增至1985年的5 000所,国民识字率从1962年的2.5%增至1985年的13%,1971年创建萨那大学。在南也门,学生总数从1967年的6.5万人增至1980年的27万人,识字率从1967年的20%增至1980年的40%,1975年创建亚丁大学。[543]另据1998年的统计,也门的男性识字率达到69%,女性识字率达到35%。[544]




然而,劳动力输出所换取的外汇收入,大都并非投资生产领域,而是用于购置耕地和日常生活消费品。劳动力输出规模的扩大,导致国内地价上涨、通货膨胀加剧和进口贸易增长。另一方面,也门劳动力的输出导致国内劳动力的短缺,对于农业生产形成负面的影响。也门耕地面积,1961年为1 740万公顷,1998年为1 768万公顷,耕地面积增长无几,尤其是劳动力密集型和价格低廉的农作物播种面积明显减少,粮食产量大幅下降。也门农产品的出口额,1961年为2 960万美元,1971年为1 220万美元,1981年为2 360万美元,1991年为4 300万美元,1999年为6 320万美元。相比之下,也门农产品的进口额,1961年为4 970万美元,1971年为5 770万美元,1981年为80 400万美元,1991年为76 500万美元,1999年为77 200万美元。另据统计,1970—1980年,粮食作物进口额增长10倍。[546]以上数字表明,自70年代起,也门的农业经历明显的变化。农产品出口额的大幅下降和进口额的大幅增长,一方面反映出经济市场化的长足进步,另一方面反映出农业生产的相对停滞状态。

然而,劳动力输出所换取的外汇收入,大都并非投资生产领域,而是用于购置耕地和日常生活消费品。劳动力输出规模的扩大,导致国内地价上涨、通货膨胀加剧和进口贸易增长。另一方面,也门劳动力的输出导致国内劳动力的短缺,对于农业生产形成负面的影响。也门耕地面积,1961年为1 740万公顷,1998年为1 768万公顷,耕地面积增长无几,尤其是劳动力密集型和价格低廉的农作物播种面积明显减少,粮食产量大幅下降。也门农产品的出口额,1961年为2 960万美元,1971年为1 220万美元,1981年为2 360万美元,1991年为4 300万美元,1999年为6 320万美元。相比之下,也门农产品的进口额,1961年为4 970万美元,1971年为5 770万美元,1981年为80 400万美元,1991年为76 500万美元,1999年为77 200万美元。另据统计,1970—1980年,粮食作物进口额增长10倍。[546]以上数字表明,自70年代起,也门的农业经历明显的变化。农产品出口额的大幅下降和进口额的大幅增长,一方面反映出经济市场化的长足进步,另一方面反映出农业生产的相对停滞状态。







统一后的也门成为阿拉伯半岛人口最多的国家,同时也是阿拉伯半岛最贫困的国家。2000年,也门共和国总人口为1 870万,其中76%生活在乡村,是中东地区乡村人口比例最高的国家。[553]尽管如此,传统的经济社会秩序逐渐衰落,经济的市场化、社会的开放化和公共权力的国家化,导致血缘关系的削弱和部族社会的解体,也门正经历着新旧阶层此消彼长和社会整合的转变过程。


统一后的也门成为阿拉伯半岛人口最多的国家,同时也是阿拉伯半岛最贫困的国家。2000年,也门共和国总人口为1 870万,其中76%生活在乡村,是中东地区乡村人口比例最高的国家。[553]尽管如此,传统的经济社会秩序逐渐衰落,经济的市场化、社会的开放化和公共权力的国家化,导致血缘关系的削弱和部族社会的解体,也门正经历着新旧阶层此消彼长和社会整合的转变过程。

[1]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,New York 2000,p.30.


[2]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.32.

[1]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,New York 2000,p.30.

[3]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.51.

[2]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.32.

[4]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.39.

[3]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.51.

[5]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.43.

[6]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.46.

[4]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.39.

[5]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.43.

[7]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.49,p.50.

[6]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.46.

[8]Yapp,M.E.,The Making of the Modern Near East 1792—1923,p.174.

[7]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.49,p.50.

[9]Wynbrandt,J.,A Brief History of Saudi Arabia,New York 2004,p.114.

[8]Yapp,M.E.,The Making of the Modern Near East 1792—1923,p.174.

[10]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.70.

[9]Wynbrandt,J.,A Brief History of Saudi Arabia,New York 2004,p.114.

[10]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.70.


[12]Wynbrandt,J.,A Brief History of Saudi Arabia,p.114.

[13]Esposito,J.L.,Islam and Politics,p.36.


[14]Helms C.M.,The Cohesion of Saudi Arabia,London 1981,p.84.

[15]Helms C.M.,The Cohesion of Saudi Arabia,p.89.

[16]Helms C.M.,The Cohesion of Saudi Arabia,p.89.

[14]Helms C.M.,The Cohesion of Saudi Arabia,London 1981,p.84.

[17]Esposito,J.L.,Islam and Politics,p.36.

[15]Helms C.M.,The Cohesion of Saudi Arabia,p.89.

[18]Helms C.M.,The Cohesion of Saudi Arabia,p.83.

[16]Helms C.M.,The Cohesion of Saudi Arabia,p.89.

[19]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,Cambridge 2002,p.15.

[17]Esposito,J.L.,Islam and Politics,p.36.

[18]Helms C.M.,The Cohesion of Saudi Arabia,p.83.

[20]Beling,W.A.,King Faisal and the Modernisation of Saudi Arabia,London 1980,p.16.

[21]Wynbrandt,J.,A Brief History of Saudi Arabia,p.108.

[19]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,Cambridge 2002,p.15.

[22]Beling,W.A.,King Faisal and the Modernisation of Saudi Arabia,p.17.

[20]Beling,W.A.,King Faisal and the Modernisation of Saudi Arabia,London 1980,p.16.

[23]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.17.

[24]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,London 2005,p.14.

[21]Wynbrandt,J.,A Brief History of Saudi Arabia,p.108.

[22]Beling,W.A.,King Faisal and the Modernisation of Saudi Arabia,p.17.

[26]Schwartz,S.,The Two Faces of Islam,New York 2004,p.75.

[27]Schwartz,S.,The Two Faces of Islam,p.75,p.77.

[24]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,London 2005,p.14.

[28]Schwartz,S.,The Two Faces of Islam,p.75,p.78.

[29]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.13.



[30]Schwartz,S.,The Two Faces of Islam,p.76.



[27]Schwartz,S.,The Two Faces of Islam,p.75,p.77.

[31]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.132.

[32]② Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.129.

[33]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.129.

[29]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.13.

[34]Schwartz,S.,The Two Faces of Islam,p.80.

[30]Schwartz,S.,The Two Faces of Islam,p.76.

[35]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Mmomentum of Reform,p.28.

[31]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.132.

[36]Beling,W.A.,King Faisal and the Modernisation of Saudi Arabia,p.22.

[33]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.129.

[37]Beling,W.A.,King Faisal and the Modernisation of Saudi Arabia,p.22.

[34]Schwartz,S.,The Two Faces of Islam,p.80.

[38]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.165.

[39]Beling,W.A.,King Faisal and the Modernisation of Saudi Arabia,p.24.

[35]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Mmomentum of Reform,p.28.

[40]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform,p.31.

[36]Beling,W.A.,King Faisal and the Modernisation of Saudi Arabia,p.22.

[41]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.185.

[37]Beling,W.A.,King Faisal and the Modernisation of Saudi Arabia,p.22.

[42]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.196.

[38]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.165.

[43]Schwartz,S.,The Two Faces of Islam,p.91.

[39]Beling,W.A.,King Faisal and the Modernisation of Saudi Arabia,p.24.

[44]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.18.

[40]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform,p.31.

[45]Armstrong,H.C.,Lord of Arabia-Ibn Saud,Harmondsworth 1938,p.21.

[41]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.185.

[46]Howarth,D.,The Desert King:A Life of Ibn Saud,London 1964,pp.37—38.

[42]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.196.

[47]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,New York 1993,pp.24—36,pp.45—46.

[43]Schwartz,S.,The Two Faces of Islam,p.91.

[48]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,p.46.

[44]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.18.

[49]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,pp.51—52.

[50]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,p.62.

[45]Armstrong,H.C.,Lord of Arabia-Ibn Saud,Harmondsworth 1938,p.21.

[51]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,p.64.

[46]Howarth,D.,The Desert King:A Life of Ibn Saud,London 1964,pp.37—38.

[52]Armstrong,H.C.,Lord of Arabia-Ibn Saud,p.195.

[47]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,New York 1993,pp.24—36,pp.45—46.

[53]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,p.79,p.84.国王在阿拉伯语中称作马立克,而马立克一词显然与伊斯兰教的传统称谓不符,原本系异教统治者的称谓。1926年沙特家族采用的“国王”的称谓,系自伊斯兰教产生以来首次出现于阿拉伯半岛。

[48]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,p.46.

[54]Polk,W.R.,The Arab World Today,p.146.

[55]Helms C.M.,The Cohesion of Saudi Arabia,p.130.

[49]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,pp.51—52.

[56]Chatty,D.,Nomadic Societies in the Middle East and North Africa,Leiden 2006,p.843.

[50]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,p.62.

[57]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.228.

[51]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,p.64.

[52]Armstrong,H.C.,Lord of Arabia-Ibn Saud,p.195.

[58]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,London 1988,p.5.

[59]Helms C.M.,The Cohesion of Saudi Arabia,p.137,pp.140—141,p.131.

[60]Chatty,D.,Nomadic Societies in the Middle East and North Africa,p.844.

[53]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,p.79,p.84.国王在阿拉伯语中称作马立克,而马立克一词显然与伊斯兰教的传统称谓不符,原本系异教统治者的称谓。1926年沙特家族采用的“国王”的称谓,系自伊斯兰教产生以来首次出现于阿拉伯半岛。

[61]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.229.

[54]Polk,W.R.,The Arab World Today,p.146.

[62]Howarth,D.,The Desert King:A Life of Ibn Saud,p.134.

[55]Helms C.M.,The Cohesion of Saudi Arabia,p.130.

[63]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.47.

[64]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,p.88.

[56]Chatty,D.,Nomadic Societies in the Middle East and North Africa,Leiden 2006,p.843.

[65]Howarth,D.,The Desert King:A Life of Ibn Saud,p.162,p.165.

[57]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.228.

[66]Huyette,S.S.,Political Adaptation in Sa'udi Arabia,Boulder 1985,p.57.

[67]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.304.

[58]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,London 1988,p.5.

[68]Niblock,T.,State,Society and Economy in Saudi Arabia,London 1982,p.46.

[59]Helms C.M.,The Cohesion of Saudi Arabia,p.137,pp.140—141,p.131.

[69]Huyette,S.S.,Political Adaptation in Sa'udi Arabia,p.49.

[60]Chatty,D.,Nomadic Societies in the Middle East and North Africa,p.844.

[70]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.293.

[61]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.229.

[71]Howarth,D.,The Desert King:A Life of Ibn Saud,pp.115—116.

[62]Howarth,D.,The Desert King:A Life of Ibn Saud,p.134.

[72]Rezas,A.,The Political Economy of Saudi Arabia,Washington 1984,p.16.

[64]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,p.88.

[73]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.295.

[65]Howarth,D.,The Desert King:A Life of Ibn Saud,p.162,p.165.

[74]Huyette,S.S.,Political Adaptation in Sa'udi Arabia,p.56.

[66]Huyette,S.S.,Political Adaptation in Sa'udi Arabia,Boulder 1985,p.57.

[75]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,pp.116—117.

[67]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.304.

[76]Rezas,A.,The Political Economy of Saudi Arabia,p.16.

[68]Niblock,T.,State,Society and Economy in Saudi Arabia,London 1982,p.46.

[69]Huyette,S.S.,Political Adaptation in Sa'udi Arabia,p.49.

[77]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,Connecticut 2003,p.12.

[70]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.293.

[71]Howarth,D.,The Desert King:A Life of Ibn Saud,pp.115—116.

[78]Al-Farsy,F.,Modernity and Tradition:the Saudi Equation,Cambridge 2000,pp.105—106.

[72]Rezas,A.,The Political Economy of Saudi Arabia,Washington 1984,p.16.

[79]Knauerhase,R.,The Saudi Arabian Economy,New York 1975,p.161.

[73]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.295.

[80]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.93.

[75]Mc Loughlin,L.,Ibn Saud:Founder of a Kingdom,pp.116—117.

[81]Knauerhase,R.,The Saudi Arabian Economy,pp.163—164.

[76]Rezas,A.,The Political Economy of Saudi Arabia,p.16.

[82]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.332.

[77]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,Connecticut 2003,p.12.

[83]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.332.

[78]Al-Farsy,F.,Modernity and Tradition:the Saudi Equation,Cambridge 2000,pp.105—106.

[84]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.112.

[79]Knauerhase,R.,The Saudi Arabian Economy,New York 1975,p.161.

[85]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.112.

[80]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.93.

[86]Wynbrandt,J.,A Brief History of Saudi Arabia,p.198.

[81]Knauerhase,R.,The Saudi Arabian Economy,pp.163—164.

[87]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.401.

[83]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.332.

[84]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.112.

[88]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,New York 1994,p.207.

[85]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.112.

[89]Al-Yassini,A.,Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,Boulder 1985,p.62.




[87]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.401.

[90]Mackey,S.,The Saudis:Inside the Desert Kingdom,Boston 1987,pp.6—7.

[88]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,New York 1994,p.207.

[91]Long,D.E.,The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,Florida 1997,p.72.

[89]Al-Yassini,A.,Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,Boulder 1985,p.62.

[92]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.177.

[90]Mackey,S.,The Saudis:Inside the Desert Kingdom,Boston 1987,pp.6—7.

[93]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.393.

[91]Long,D.E.,The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,Florida 1997,p.72.

[94]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.177.

[92]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.177.

[95]Long,D.E.,The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.72.

[93]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.393.

[94]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.177.

[97]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.149.

[96]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.149.

[98]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.453.

[97]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.149.

[98]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.453.

[99]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform,p.141.

[99]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform,p.141.

[100]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.403.

[100]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.403.

[101]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.175.

[101]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.175.

[102]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.404.

[103]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.404.

[103]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.404.

[104]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.409.

[104]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.409.

[105]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.405.

[106]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.406.

[105]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.405.

[107]Masood,R.,Industrialization in Oil-Based Economies,New Delhi 1984,p.112.

[106]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.406.

[108]Masood,R.,Industrialization in Oil-Based Economies,p.112.


[110]Niblock,T.,State,Society and Economy in Saudi Arabia,p.240.

[108]Masood,R.,Industrialization in Oil-Based Economies,p.112.

[111]Long,D.E.,The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.89.


[112]Al-Farsy,F.,Modernity and Tradition:the Saudi Equation,p.172.


[111]Long,D.E.,The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.89.


[115]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.221.

[112]Al-Farsy,F.,Modernity and Tradition:the Saudi Equation,p.172.

[116]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.414.


[117]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.414.

[118]Looney,R.E.,Economic Development in Saudi Arabia,Connecticut 1990,p.86.

[114]Al-Farsy,F.,Modernity and Tradition:The Saudi Equation,pp.170—171,p.137.

[119]Knauerhase,R.,The Saudi Arabian Economy,p.111.

[115]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.221.

[120]Johany,A.D.,The Saudi Arabian Economy,London 1986,pp.111—112.

[116]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.414.

[121]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,pp.415—416.

[122]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.420.

[117]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.414.

[123]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,p.303.

[118]Looney,R.E.,Economic Development in Saudi Arabia,Connecticut 1990,p.86.


[119]Knauerhase,R.,The Saudi Arabian Economy,p.111.

[126]Al-Farsy,F.,Modernity and Tradition:The Saudi Equation,p.192.

[120]Johany,A.D.,The Saudi Arabian Economy,London 1986,pp.111—112.

[127]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,pp.455—456.

[121]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,pp.415—416.

[128]Al-Farsy,F.,Modernity and Tradition:The Saudi Equation,p.189.

[129]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.456.

[122]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.420.

[130]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,pp.303—304.

[123]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,p.303.

[131]Niblock,T.,State,Society and Economy in Saudi Arabia,p.192.


[132]Johany,A.D.,The Saudi Arabian Economy,p.109.


[125]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.223.

[134]Akkad,A.A.,Development of Indigenous Manpower in Saudi Arabia,Colorado 1983,p.111.

[126]Al-Farsy,F.,Modernity and Tradition:The Saudi Equation,p.192.

[135]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.421.

[127]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,pp.455—456.

[136]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.ⅩⅧ.

[128]Al-Farsy,F.,Modernity and Tradition:The Saudi Equation,p.189.

[137]Niblock,T.,State,Society and Economy in Saudi Arabia,p.194.

[129]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.456.

[138]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.421.

[139]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.424.

[130]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,pp.303—304.

[140]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.455.

[141]Long,D.E.,The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.89.

[131]Niblock,T.,State,Society and Economy in Saudi Arabia,p.192.

[142]Ramady,M.A.,The Saudi Arabian Economy:Policies,Achievements and Challenges,New York 2005,p.28.

[132]Johany,A.D.,The Saudi Arabian Economy,p.109.

[143]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.458.


[144]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.458.

[145]Al-Yassini,A.,Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.116.

[134]Akkad,A.A.,Development of Indigenous Manpower in Saudi Arabia,Colorado 1983,p.111.

[146]Niblock,T.,State,Society and Economy in Saudi Arabia,p.211.

[135]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.421.

[147]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform,p.196.

[148]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.421,p.458.

[149]Roberts,M.H.P.,An Urban Profile of the Middle East,p.102.

[150]Al-Ankary,K.M.,Urbap>and Rural Profile in Saudi Arabia,Berlin 1989,p.4.

[151]Al-Ankary,K.M.,Urban and Rural Profile in Saudi Arabia,p.8.

[152]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.459.

[153]Al-Ankary,K.M.,Urban and Rural Profile in Saudi Arabia,p.10,p.8.

[154]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,p.232.

[155]Blake,G.H.&Lawless,R.I.,The Changing Middle East City,London 1980,p.59.

[156]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.34.

[157]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.310.

[158]Askari,H.,Saudi Arabia's Economy:Oil and the Search for Economic Development,London 1990,p.159.

[159]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,p.7,p.232.




[160]Masood,R.,Industrialization in Oil-Based Economies,p.62.

[137]Niblock,T.,State,Society and Economy in Saudi Arabia,p.194.

[138]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.421.

[162]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.462.

[139]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.424.

[140]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.455.

[163]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.37.

[141]Long,D.E.,The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.89.

[164]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.36.

[142]Ramady,M.A.,The Saudi Arabian Economy:Policies,Achievements and Challenges,New York 2005,p.28.

[165]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.43.

[143]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.458.

[166]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.43.

[144]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.458.

[167]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.43.

[145]Al-Yassini,A.,Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.116.

[168]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.43.

[146]Niblock,T.,State,Society and Economy in Saudi Arabia,p.211.

[169]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.42.

[147]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform,p.196.

[170]Rezas,A.,The Political Economy of Saudi Arabia,p.48.

[148]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.421,p.458.

[171]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.47.

[172]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.425.

[149]Roberts,M.H.P.,An Urban Profile of the Middle East,p.102.

[173]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.430.

[150]Al-Ankary,K.M.,Urban and Rural Profile in Saudi Arabia,Berlin 1989,p.4.

[174]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.431.

[175]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.432.

[151]Al-Ankary,K.M.,Urban and Rural Profile in Saudi Arabia,p.8.

[176]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.24.

[152]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.459.

[177]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.24.

[178]Huyette,S.S.,Political Adaptation in Sa'udi Arabia,p.60,p.65.

[153]Al-Ankary,K.M.,Urban and Rural Profile in Saudi Arabia,p.10,p.8.

[179]Al-Farsy,F.,Modernity and Tradition:The Saudi Equation,pp.49—50.

[154]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,p.232.

[180]Al-Farsy,F.,Saudi Arabia:A Case Study in Development,London 1982,p.93.

[181]Huyette,S.S.,Political Adaptation in Sa'udi Arabia,pp.166—171.

[155]Blake,G.H.&Lawless,R.I.,The Changing Middle East City,London 1980,p.59.

[182]Al-Farsy,F.,Saudi Arabia:A Case Study in Development,pp.97—98.

[156]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.34.


[184]Al-Yassini,A.,Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.66.

[157]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.310.

[185]Al-Farsy,F.,Saudi Arabia:A Case Study in Development,p.99.

[186]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.137.

[158]Askari,H.,Saudi Arabia's Economy:Oil and the Search for Economic Development,London 1990,p.159.

[187]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.445.

[188]Kechichian,J.A.,Succession in Saudi Arabia,New York 2001,p.185.

[189]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.442.

[160]Masood,R.,Industrialization in Oil-Based Economies,p.62.

[190]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.443.

[161]Askari,H.,Saudi Arabia's Economy:Oil and the Search for Economic Development,p.166.



[192]Al-Yassini,A.,Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.83.

[162]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.462.

[193]Aburish,S.K.,The Rise,Corruption and Coming Fall of the House of Saud,p.46.

[163]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.37.

[194]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.12.

[164]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.36.



[196]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform,pp.287—288.

[165]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.43.

[197]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.20.

[198]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.139.

[166]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.43.


[167]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.43.

[200]Niblock,T.,State,Society and Economy in Saudi Arabia,p.107.


[168]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.43.

[202]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Mmomentum of Reform,p.59.

[203]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.29.




[204]Al-Yassini,A.,Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.128.

[170]Rezas,A.,The Political Economy of Saudi Arabia,p.48.

[205]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.193.

[171]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.47.

[206]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.336.

[172]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.425.

[207]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia:Government,Society,and the Gulf Crisis,New York 1993,p.37.

[173]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.430.

[209]Shaw,J.A.,Saudi Arabian Modernization,Wasington 1982,p.102.

[174]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.431.

[210]Al-Yassini,A.,Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.122.

[175]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.432.

[211]Niblock,T.,State,Society and Economy in Saudi Arabia,pp.95—96.

[176]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.24.

[212]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.107.

[177]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.24.

[213]Yizraeli,S.,The Remaking of Saudi Arabia,Tel Aviv 1997,p.71.

[178]Huyette,S.S.,Political Adaptation in Sa'udi Arabia,p.60,p.65.

[215]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.357.

[179]Al-Farsy,F.,Modernity and Tradition:The Saudi Equation,pp.49—50.

[216]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.85.

[180]Al-Farsy,F.,Saudi Arabia:A Case Study in Development,London 1982,p.93.

[217]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:the Coming Storm,pp.50—51.

[181]Huyette,S.S.,Political Adaptation in Sa'udi Arabia,pp.166—171.

[218]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.86.

[182]Al-Farsy,F.,Saudi Arabia:A Case Study in Development,pp.97—98.

[219]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.91.

[220]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.365.

[183]Beling,W.A.,King Faisal and the Modernisation of Saudi Arabia,pp.77—78.

[221]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.367.

[184]Al-Yassini,A.,Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.66.

[222]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.138.

[223]Aburish,S.K.,The Rise,Corruption and Coming Fall of the House of Saud,p.51.



[224]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.139,pp.141—142.

[186]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.137.

[225]Niblock,T.,Saudi Arabia:Power,Legitimacy and Survival,New York 2006,p.78.

[187]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.445.

[226]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,pp.150—151.

[188]Kechichian,J.A.,Succession in Saudi Arabia,New York 2001,p.185.

[227]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.27.

[189]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.442.

[228]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.27.

[190]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.443.

[229]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,pp.146—147.

[230]Shaw,J.A.,Saudi Arabian Modernization,p.102.

[191]Aburish,S.K.,The Rise,Corruption and Coming Fall of the House of Saud,New York 1996,p.49.

[231]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.155.

[192]Al-Yassini,A.,Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.83.

[233]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:the Coming Storm,p.64.

[193]Aburish,S.K.,The Rise,Corruption and Coming Fall of the House of Saud,p.46.

[234]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.29.

[235]Kechichian,J.A.,Succession in Saudi Arabia,pp.193—196.

[236]Jerichow,A.,The Saudi File:People,Power,Politics,Surrey 1998,pp.53—54.

[195]Najem,T.P.&Hetherington,M.,Good Governance in the Middle East Oil Monarchies,London 2003,p.37.

[237]Niblock,T.,Saudi Arabia:Power,Legitimacy and Survival,p.95.

[238]Dekmejian,R.H.,Islam in Revolution:Fundamentalism in the Arab World,p.145.

[196]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform,pp.287—288.

[239]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform,p.224.

[197]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.20.

[240]Fandy,M.,Saudi Arabia and the Politics of Dissent,New York 1999,pp.118—119.

[241]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.78.

[242]Fandy,M.,Saudi Arabia and the Politics of Dissent,p.127.


[243]Fandy,M.,Saudi Arabia and the Politics of Dissent,p.141.

[244]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,pp.179—183.

[245]Wynbrandt,J.,A Brief History of Saudi Arabia,p.262.


[246]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.175.

[202]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Mmomentum of Reform,p.59.



[248]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,p.188,p.191.

[203]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.29.

[249]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,p.211.

[204]Al-Yassini,A.,Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.128.

[250]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.278.

[251]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.94.

[205]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.193.

[252]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.52.

[206]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.336.

[253]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.97,p.99.

[254]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.168.

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[208]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.339.

[255]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.199.

[256]Kechichian,J.A.,Succession in Saudi Arabia,pp.203—206.

[209]Shaw,J.A.,Saudi Arabian Modernization,Wasington 1982,p.102.

[257]Khater,A.F.,Sources in the History of the Modern Middle East,pp.267—268.

[210]Al-Yassini,A.,Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.122.

[258]Long,D.E.,The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,p.40.

[259]Jerichow,A.,The Saudi File:People,Power,Politics,pp.35—40.

[211]Niblock,T.,State,Society and Economy in Saudi Arabia,pp.95—96.

[260]Jerichow,A.,The Saudi File:People,Power,Politics,pp.126—127.

[212]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.107.

[261]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.174.

[262]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,pp.148—150.

[213]Yizraeli,S.,The Remaking of Saudi Arabia,Tel Aviv 1997,p.71.

[263]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:the Coming Storm,p.73.

[264]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,p.144.

[214]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,pp.84—85.

[265]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform,p.289,p.285.

[215]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.357.

[266]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,London 1998,pp.11—12.

[216]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.85.

[267]Sharabi,H.B.,Government and Politics of the Middle East in the Twentieth Century,p.256.

[268]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.79.

[217]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:the Coming Storm,pp.50—51.

[269]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.32.

[218]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.86.

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[271]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.82.

[219]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.91.

[272]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,Kuwait 1996,p.127.

[220]Vassiliev,A.,The History of Saudi Arabia,p.365.

[273]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.24.

[274]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,London 2000,p.1.

[275]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.9.

[276]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.11.

[277]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.35.

[278]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.12.

[279]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,pp.15—16.

[224]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.139,pp.141—142.


[281]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.94.

[225]Niblock,T.,Saudi Arabia:Power,Legitimacy and Survival,New York 2006,p.78.

[283]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,pp.27—29.

[226]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,pp.150—151.

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[285]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.42.

[286]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.372.

[287]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.354.

[228]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.27.

[288]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.95.

[289]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.100.

[290]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.101.

[230]Shaw,J.A.,Saudi Arabian Modernization,p.102.

[291]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.103.

[292]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.374.

[293]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.104,p.102.

[232]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.30.

[294]Al-Khalifa,S.A.K.,Bahrain through the Ages the History,p.13.

[295]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,Boulder 1989,pp.27—28.

[233]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:the Coming Storm,p.64.

[296]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.29.

[297]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.98.

[234]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.29.

[298]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.203.

[235]Kechichian,J.A.,Succession in Saudi Arabia,pp.193—196.

[299]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.203.

[300]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.67.

[236]Jerichow,A.,The Saudi File:People,Power,Politics,Surrey 1998,pp.53—54.

[301]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.74.

[302]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.71.

[237]Niblock,T.,Saudi Arabia:Power,Legitimacy and Survival,p.95.

[303]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.496.

[304]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.71—72.

[238]Dekmejian,R.H.,Islam in Revolution:Fundamentalism in the Arab World,p.145.

[305]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.98.

[306]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.78,p.79,p.75.

[239]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform,p.224.

[307]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.372.

[308]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.75.

[240]Fandy,M.,Saudi Arabia and the Politics of Dissent,New York 1999,pp.118—119.

[309]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.108—109,p.111.

[241]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.78.

[310]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.111—112.

[242]Fandy,M.,Saudi Arabia and the Politics of Dissent,p.127.

[311]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.115—117.

[312]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.120—121.

[244]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,pp.179—183.

[314]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.121.

[245]Wynbrandt,J.,A Brief History of Saudi Arabia,p.262.

[315]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.122—123.

[246]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.175.

[316]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.114.

[317]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.114.

[247]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform,p.279.

[318]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.114.

[248]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,p.188,p.191.

[319]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.374.

[320]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.679.

[321]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,pp.374—375.

[250]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.278.

[322]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.125.

[251]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.94.

[323]Hopkins,N.S.&Ibrahim,S.E.,Arab Society:Class,Gender,Power and Development,p.ⅩⅤ.

[252]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,p.52.

[324]Allen,C.H.,Oman:The Modernization of the Sultanat,Boulder 1987,p.23.

[325]Owtram,F.,A Modern History of Oman,London 2004,p.42.

[253]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.97,p.99.

[326]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.125.

[327]Owtram,F.,A Modern History of Oman,pp.44—45.

[254]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.168.

[328]Allen,C.H.,Oman:The Modernization of the Sultanat,p.38.

[329]Owtram,F.,A Modern History of Oman,p.45.

[255]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites;Conflict and Collaboration,p.199.

[330]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.126.

[256]Kechichian,J.A.,Succession in Saudi Arabia,pp.203—206.

[331]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.680.

[332]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.16,p.127.

[257]Khater,A.F.,Sources in the History of the Modern Middle East,pp.267—268.

[333]Owtram,F.,A Modern History of Oman,pp.34—35.

[334]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.128.

[335]Owtram,F.,A Modern History of Oman,p.48,pp.63—64,p.50.

[259]Jerichow,A.,The Saudi File:People,Power,Politics,pp.35—40.

[336]Allen,C.H.,Oman under Qaboos:From Coup to Constitution 1970—1996,London 2000,p.2.

[260]Jerichow,A.,The Saudi File:People,Power,Politics,pp.126—127.

[261]Al-Rasheed,M.,A History of Saudi Arabia,p.174.

[338]Allen,C.H.,Oman under Qaboos:From Coup to Constitution 1970—1996,p.21.

[262]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,pp.148—150.

[339]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.131.

[263]Wilson,P.W.&Graham,D.F.,Saudi Arabia:the Coming Storm,p.73.

[340]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.132.

[264]Cordesman,A.H.,Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-First Century,p.144.

[265]Champion,D.,The Paradoxical Kingdom:Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform,p.289,p.285.

[266]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,London 1998,pp.11—12.

[341]Allen,C.H.,Oman under Qaboos:From Coup to Constitution 1970—1996,pp.35—36,p.38,p.39.

[267]Sharabi,H.B.,Government and Politics of the Middle East in the Twentieth Century,p.256.

[268]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.79.

[342]Owtram,F.,A Modern History of Oman,pp.182—183.

[269]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.32.

[270]Al-Khalifa,S.A.K.,Bahrain through the Ages the History,p.349.

[344]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.133.

[271]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.82.

[345]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.33,p.36.

[272]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,Kuwait 1996,p.127.

[346]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.87.

[273]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.24.

[347]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.36—37.

[274]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,London 2000,p.1.

[348]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.89.

[275]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.9.

[349]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.37—38.

[276]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.11.

[350]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.19.

[277]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.35.

[351]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.38.

[278]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.12.

[352]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,pp.19—20.

[279]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,pp.15—16.

[280]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.2.

[353]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,pp.90—91.

[281]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.94.

[354]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.41.

[282]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,pp.94—95.

[355]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,pp.97—98.

[356]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.49.

[357]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.97.

[283]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,pp.27—29.

[358]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.96.

[284]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.51.

[359]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,pp.91—92,p.97.

[285]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.42.

[360]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,pp.91—92,p.97.

[286]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.372.

[361]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.97.

[287]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.354.

[362]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.97,p.93.

[288]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.95.

[363]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.494.

[289]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.100.

[364]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.97.

[290]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.101.

[365]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.98.

[291]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.103.

[366]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.97.

[292]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.374.

[293]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.104,p.102.

[368]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.117.




[369]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.96.

[295]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,Boulder 1989,pp.27—28.

[296]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.29.

[370]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.121,p.118,p.119.

[297]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.98.

[298]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.203.

ddle East,p.147.




[299]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.203.

[372]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.97.

[300]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.67.

[373]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.54.

[301]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.74.

[374]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.97.

[302]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.71.

[303]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.496.

[375]Tetreault,M.A.,Politics and Society in Contemporary Kuwait,New York 2000,p.128.

[304]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.71—72.

[376]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.495.

[305]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.98.

[377]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.56.

[306]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.78,p.79,p.75.

[378]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.56.

[307]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.372.

[379]Tetreault,M.A.,Politics and Society in Contemporary Kuwait,pp.228—229,pp.230—232,p.236.



[309]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.108—109,p.111.

[380]East,R.&Joseph,T.,Political Parties of Africa and the Middle East,p.149.

[310]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.111—112.

[381]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.63.

[311]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.115—117.

[382]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.60.

[312]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.120—121.

[383]Khurt,M.I.,Tribe and State in Bahrain,Chicago 1980,p.202.

[313]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.121.

[314]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.121.

[384]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,pp.62—63.

[315]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.122—123.

[385]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.70—71.

[316]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.114.

[386]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,pp.87—88.

[317]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.114.

[387]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.496.

[319]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.374.

[388]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.73—74.

[320]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.679.

[389]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.77,p.83.

[321]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,pp.374—375.

[322]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.125.

[391]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.86.

[323]Hopkins,N.S.&Ibrahim,S.E.,Arab Society:Class,Gender,Power and Development,p.ⅩⅤ.

[392]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,pp.84—85.

[324]Allen,C.H.,Oman:The Modernization of the Sultanat,Boulder 1987,p.23.

[393]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.497.

[325]Owtram,F.,A Modern History of Oman,London 2004,p.42.

[326]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.125.

[394]Najem,T.P.&Hetherington,M.,Good Governance in the Middle East Oil Monarchies,p.33.

[327]Owtram,F.,A Modern History of Oman,pp.44—45.

[395]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.78—79,p.80.

[328]Allen,C.H.,Oman:The Modernization of the Sultanat,p.38.

[329]Owtram,F.,A Modern History of Oman,p.45.

[396]Najem,T.P.&Hetherington,M.,Good Governance in the Middle East Oil Monarchies,p.34,p.72.

[330]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.126.

[397]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.670.

[331]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.680.

[398]East,R.&Joseph,T.,Political Parties of Africa and the Middle East,p.223.

[332]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.16,p.127.

[399]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.104.

[333]Owtram,F.,A Modern History of Oman,pp.34—35.

[400]Najem,T.P.&Hetherington,M.,Good Governance in the Middle East oil Monarchies,p.50.

[334]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.128.

[335]Owtram,F.,A Modern History of Oman,p.48,pp.63—64,p.50.

[401]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.262.

[336]Allen,C.H.,Oman under Qaboos:From Coup to Constitution 1970—1996,London 2000,p.2.

[402]Owtram,F.,A Modern History of Oman,p.165.

[337]Allen,C.H.,Oman under Qaboos:From Coup to Constitution 1970—1996,pp.17—18.

[403]Allen,C.H.,Oman under Qaboos:From Coup to Constitution 1970—1996,pp.49—50,p.56,p.57,p.220.

[338]Allen,C.H.,Oman under Qaboos:From Coup to Constitution 1970—1996,p.21.

[404]Najem,T.P.&Hetherington,M.,Good Governance in the Middle East oil Monarchies,p.72.

[339]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.131.

[405]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.84,p.85.

[340]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.132.

[406]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.38.

[341]Allen,C.H.,Oman under Qaboos:From Coup to Constitution 1970—1996,pp.35—36,p.38,p.39.

[407]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.64.

[342]Owtram,F.,A Modern History of Oman,pp.182—183.

[408]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.48.

[343]Allen,C.H.,Oman under Qaboos:From Coup to Constitution 1970—1996,pp.41—42.

[409]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.86.

[344]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.133.

[410]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.59.

[345]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.33,p.36.

[411]Al-Kuwari,A.K.,Oil Revenues in the Gulf Emirates,Boulder 1978,p.76.

[412]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.95,p.93.

[413]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.267.

[347]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.36—37.

[414]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.17,p.39,p.40,pp.38—39.

[348]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.89.

[415]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.25.

[349]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.37—38.

[416]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,pp.266—267.

[417]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.45.

[418]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.87,p.202,pp.266—267.

[419]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.84,p.202.

[352]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,pp.19—20.

[420]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,pp.677—678.

[353]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,pp.90—91.

[421]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,pp.266—267.

[354]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.41.

[422]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.202.

[355]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,pp.97—98.

[423]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.375.

[356]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.49.

[425]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.6,p.26,p.8,p.9.

[357]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.97.

[426]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.158,p.177,p.159,p.160,p.160.

[358]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.96.

[427]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.52.

[359]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,pp.91—92,p.97.

[428]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.493.

[429]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.52.

[360]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,pp.91—92,p.97.

[430]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.51,p.53,p.55,p.59.

[361]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.97.

[431]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,pp.93—111.

[432]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.682.

[362]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.97,p.93.

[433]Allen,C.H.,Oman under Qaboos:From Coup to Constitution 1970—1996,pp.139—152.

[363]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.494.

[434]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.76.

[364]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.97.

[435]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.201.

[436]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.83.

[365]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.98.

[437]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.36.

[366]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.97.

[438]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.268.

[439]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.36.

[440]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.83.

[368]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.117.

[441]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.139.

[369]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.96.

[442]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.268.

[443]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.18.

[370]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.121,p.118,p.119.

[444]Najem,T.P.&Hetherington,M.,Good Governance in the Middle East oil Monarchies,p.36.

[445]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.268.

[446]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.85.

[372]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.97.

[447]Mohammed,N.S.A.,Population and Development of the Arab Gulf States,Hampshire 1988,pp.5—6.

[373]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.54.

[448]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.85.

[374]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.97.

[449]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.4.

[450]Mohammed,N.S.A.,Population and Development of the Arab Gulf States,p.21,p.9.

[451]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.19.

[376]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.495.

[452]Mohammed,N.S.A.,Population and Development of the Arab Gulf States,p.9.

[377]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.56.

[453]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.274.

[378]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.56.

[454]Roberts,M.H.P.,An Urban Profile of the Middle East,p.130.

[455]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.276.

[379]Tetreault,M.A.,Politics and Society in Contemporary Kuwait,pp.228—229,pp.230—232,p.236.

[456]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.680.

[380]East,R.&Joseph,T.,Political Parties of Africa and the Middle East,p.149.

[458]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.498.

[381]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.63.

[459]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.275.

[382]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.60.

[460]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.376.

[461]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.18.

[383]Khurt,M.I.,Tribe and State in Bahrain,Chicago 1980,p.202.

[462]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.51,p.49.

[384]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,pp.62—63.

[464]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.66.

[385]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.70—71.

[465]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.10,p.5,p.7,p.77.

[386]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,pp.87—88.

[466]Hopkins,N.S.&Ibrahim,S.E.,Arab Society:Class,Gender,Power and Development,p.ⅩⅤ.

[387]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.496.

[467]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.4.

[468]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.23.

[388]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.73—74.

[469]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.58.

[389]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.77,p.83.

[470]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.69.

[471]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.58.

[472]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,pp.57—59.

[391]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.86.

[473]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.105,p.107,pp.113—114,p.118,p.119,p.122.

[392]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,pp.84—85.

[474]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,pp.147—149.

[393]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.497.

[475]Najem,T.P.&Hetherington,M.,Good Governance in the Middle East oil Monarchies,p.112.

[476]Allen,C.H.,Oman under Qaboos:From Coup to Constitution 1970—1996,pp.166—167,pp.170—172,pp.176—177.

[394]Najem,T.P.&Hetherington,M.,Good Governance in the Middle East Oil Monarchies,p.33.

[477]Colburn,M.,The Republic of Yemen:Development Challenges in the 21st Century,London 2002,p.11,p.13.

[395]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,pp.78—79,p.80.

[478]Dresch,P.,A History of Modern Yemen,Cambridge 2000,p.9.

[396]Najem,T.P.&Hetherington,M.,Good Governance in the Middle East Oil Monarchies,p.34,p.72.

[397]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.670.

[481]Sharabi,H.B.,Government and Politics of the Middle East in the Twentieth Century,p.250.

[398]East,R.&Joseph,T.,Political Parties of Africa and the Middle East,p.223.

[482]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.685.

[399]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.104.

[483]Sharabi,H.B.,Government and Politics of the Middle East in the Twentieth Century,p.245,p.244.

[484]Sharabi,H.B.,Government and Politics of the Middle East in the Twentieth Century,p.245,p.244.

[485]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,pp.194—195.

[401]Aarts,P.,Saudi Arabia in the Balance:Political Economy,Society,Foreign Affairs,p.262.

[486]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.195.

[402]Owtram,F.,A Modern History of Oman,p.165.

iddle East in the Twentieth Century,p.246.

[488]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.690.

[403]Allen,C.H.,Oman under Qaboos:From Coup to Constitution 1970—1996,pp.49—50,p.56,p.57,p.220.

[489]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.398.

[490]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.691.

[491]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.361.

[492]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.692.

[405]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.84,p.85.

[493]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.399.

[494]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.692.

[406]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.38.

[495]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.363.

[407]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.64.

[496]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.686.

[497]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.489.

[408]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.48.

[498]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.196.

[499]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.397.

[500]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.489.

[410]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.59.

[501]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.686.

[502]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.199.

[411]Al-Kuwari,A.K.,Oil Revenues in the Gulf Emirates,Boulder 1978,p.76.

[503]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.200.

[412]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.95,p.93.

[504]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.367.

[505]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.367.

[413]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.267.

[506]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.401.

[507]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.368.

[508]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.403.

[415]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.25.

[509]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.370.

[416]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,pp.266—267.

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[511]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.404.

[417]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.45.

[512]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.493.

[418]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.87,p.202,pp.266—267.

[513]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.405.

[514]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.492.

[419]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.84,p.202.

[515]East,R.&Joseph,T.,Political Parties of Africa and the Middle East,p.304.

[420]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,pp.677—678.

[516]Khoury,P.S.&Kostiner,J.,Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East,London 1991,p.256.

[421]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,pp.266—267.

[517]Colburn,M.,The Republic of Yemen:Development Challenges in the 21st Century,p.18.

[422]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.202.

[518]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.492.

[423]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.375.

[519]Norton,A.R.,Civil Society in the Middle East,Leiden 1996,p.292.

[424]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,pp.266—267.

[520]Dresch,P.,A History of Modern Yemen,p.194.

[425]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.6,p.26,p.8,p.9.

[521]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.407.

[426]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.158,p.177,p.159,p.160,p.160.

[522]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.407.

[427]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.52.

[523]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.494.

[428]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.493.

[524]Sidahmed,A.S.&Ehteshahmi,A.,Islamic Fundamentalism,p.221.

[429]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.52.

[525]Sidahmed,A.S.&Ehteshahmi,A.,Islamic Fundamentalism,p.221.

[430]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.51,p.53,p.55,p.59.

[526]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.408.

[431]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,pp.93—111.


[528]Dresch,P.,A History of Modern Yemen,p.209.

[432]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.682.

[433]Allen,C.H.,Oman under Qaboos:From Coup to Constitution 1970—1996,pp.139—152.

[529]Al-Rasheed,M.,Counter-Narratives:History,Contemporary Society and Politics in Saudi Arabia and Yemen,New York 2004,pp.251—252.

[434]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.76.

[530]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.694.

[531]Dresch,P.,A History of Modern Yemen,p.185.

[435]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.201.

[532]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.694.

[436]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.83.

[533]Colburn,M.,The Republic of Yemen:Development Challenges in the 21st Century,p.12.


[438]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.268.

[534]Beaumont,P.&Mc Lachlan,K.,Agriculture Development in the Middle East,pp.241—244.

[535]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.193.

[440]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.83.

[537]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.220.

[441]Assiri,A.R.,The Government and Politics of Kuwait,p.139.

[442]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.268.

[539]Colburn,M.,The Republic of Yemen:Development Challenges in the 21st Century,p.75.


[540]Lofgern,H.,Food,Agriculture and Economic Policy in the Middle East and North Africa,Oxford 2003,p.266.


[445]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.268.

[446]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.85.

e 21st Century,p.75.



[543]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.364,p.366.

[447]Mohammed,N.S.A.,Population and Development of the Arab Gulf States,Hampshire 1988,pp.5—6.

[544]Colburn,M.,The Republic of Yemen:Development Challenges in the 21st Century,p.68.

[448]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.85.

[545]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.220.

[449]Zahlan,R.S.,The Making of the Modern Gulf States,p.4.

[546]Lofgern,H.,Food,Agriculture and Economic Policy in the Middle East and North Africa,p.273,p.269,p.270.

[450]Mohammed,N.S.A.,Population and Development of the Arab Gulf States,p.21,p.9.

[547]Lofgern,H.,Food,Agriculture and Economic Policy in the Middle East and North Africa,p.278.

[451]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.19.

[548]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.364.

[452]Mohammed,N.S.A.,Population and Development of the Arab Gulf States,p.9.

[549]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.693.

[453]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.274.

[551]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.693.

[454]Roberts,M.H.P.,An Urban Profile of the Middle East,p.130.

[552]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.410.

[455]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.276.

[553]Colburn,M.,The Republic of Yemen:Development Challenges in the 21st Century,p.49.

[456]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.680.

[457]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.12.

[458]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.498.

[459]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.275.

[460]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.376.

[461]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.18.

[462]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.51,p.49.

[463]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.77.

[464]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.66.

[465]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.10,p.5,p.7,p.77.

[466]Hopkins,N.S.&Ibrahim,S.E.,Arab Society:Class,Gender,Power and Development,p.ⅩⅤ.

[467]Lawson,F.H.,Bahrain:The Modernization of Autocracy,p.4.

[468]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.23.

[469]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.58.

[470]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,p.69.

[471]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.58.

[472]Crystal,J.,Kuwait:The Trasformation of an Oil State,pp.57—59.

[473]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,p.105,p.107,pp.113—114,p.118,p.119,p.122.

[474]Al-Dekhayel,A.,Kuwait:Oil,State and Political Legitimation,pp.147—149.

[475]Najem,T.P.&Hetherington,M.,Good Governance in the Middle East oil Monarchies,p.112.

[476]Allen,C.H.,Oman under Qaboos:From Coup to Constitution 1970—1996,pp.166—167,pp.170—172,pp.176—177.

[477]Colburn,M.,The Republic of Yemen:Development Challenges in the 21st Century,London 2002,p.11,p.13.

[478]Dresch,P.,A History of Modern Yemen,Cambridge 2000,p.9.

[479]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.194.

[480]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,pp.397—398.

[481]Sharabi,H.B.,Government and Politics of the Middle East in the Twentieth Century,p.250.

[482]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.685.

[483]Sharabi,H.B.,Government and Politics of the Middle East in the Twentieth Century,p.245,p.244.

[484]Sharabi,H.B.,Government and Politics of the Middle East in the Twentieth Century,p.245,p.244.

[485]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,pp.194—195.

[486]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.195.

[487]Sharabi,H.B.,Government and Politics of the Middle East in the Twentieth Century,p.246.

[488]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.690.

[489]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.398.

[490]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.691.

[491]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.361.

[492]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.692.

[493]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.399.

[494]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.692.

[495]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.363.

[496]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.686.

[497]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.489.

[498]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.196.

[499]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.397.

[500]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.489.

[501]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.686.

[502]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.199.

[503]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.200.

[504]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.367.

[505]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.367.

[506]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.401.

[507]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.368.

[508]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.403.

[509]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.370.

[510]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,pp.487—488.

[511]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.404.

[512]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.493.

[513]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.405.

[514]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.492.

[515]East,R.&Joseph,T.,Political Parties of Africa and the Middle East,p.304.

[516]Khoury,P.S.&Kostiner,J.,Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East,London 1991,p.256.

[517]Colburn,M.,The Republic of Yemen:Development Challenges in the 21st Century,p.18.

[518]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.492.

[519]Norton,A.R.,Civil Society in the Middle East,Leiden 1996,p.292.

[520]Dresch,P.,A History of Modern Yemen,p.194.

[521]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.407.

[522]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.407.

[523]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.494.

[524]Sidahmed,A.S.&Ehteshahmi,A.,Islamic Fundamentalism,p.221.

[525]Sidahmed,A.S.&Ehteshahmi,A.,Islamic Fundamentalism,p.221.

[526]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.408.

[527]Dresch,P.,A History of Modern Yemen,p.209.

[528]Dresch,P.,A History of Modern Yemen,p.209.

[529]Al-Rasheed,M.,Counter-Narratives:History,Contemporary Society and Politics in Saudi Arabia and Yemen,New York 2004,pp.251—252.

[530]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.694.

[531]Dresch,P.,A History of Modern Yemen,p.185.

[532]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.694.

[533]Colburn,M.,The Republic of Yemen:Development Challenges in the 21st Century,p.12.

[534]Beaumont,P.&Mc Lachlan,K.,Agriculture Development in the Middle East,pp.241—244.

[535]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.193.

[536]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.83.

[537]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.220.

[538]Richards,A.&Waterbury,J.,A Political Economy of the Middle East,p.74,p.264.

[539]Colburn,M.,The Republic of Yemen:Development Challenges in the 21st Century,p.75.

[540]Lofgern,H.,Food,Agriculture and Economic Policy in the Middle East and North Africa,Oxford 2003,p.266.

[541]Richards,A.&Waterbury,J.,A Political Economy of the Middle East,p.74,p.264.

[542]Colburn,M.,The Republic of Yemen:Development Challenges in the 21st Century,p.75.

[543]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.364,p.366.

[544]Colburn,M.,The Republic of Yemen:Development Challenges in the 21st Century,p.68.

[545]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.220.

[546]Lofgern,H.,Food,Agriculture and Economic Policy in the Middle East and North Africa,p.273,p.269,p.270.

[547]Lofgern,H.,Food,Agriculture and Economic Policy in the Middle East and North Africa,p.278.

[548]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.364.

[549]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.693.

[550]Dresch,P.,A History of Modern Yemen,p.205.

[551]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.693.

[552]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.410.

[553]Colburn,M.,The Republic of Yemen:Development Challenges in the 21st Century,p.49.