首页 理论教育英式茶艺,提供专业茶艺服务


【摘要】:平伏 flat and even 茶 叶在盘中相互紧贴,无松起架空现象。紧直 tight and straight卷紧而圆直。紧实tight and heavy松紧适中,身骨较重实。肥壮 fat and bold芽叶肥嫩身骨重。粗实 coarse and bold嫩度较差,形粗大而尚重实。粗松 coarse and loose嫩度差,形状粗大而松散。松扁 loose and flat不紧而呈平扁状。短钝 short and blunt茶条折断,无峰苗。短碎 short and broken面张条短,下段茶多,欠匀整。爆点 blister干茶上的凸起泡点。鲜艳 fresh brilliant鲜明艳丽,清澈明亮。鲜明 fresh bright新鲜明亮。


头春茶early spring tea, first season tea 头泡茶first infusion of tea

茶末tea dust 粉末茶tea powder

煎茶fried tea 芽茶but-tea

新茶fresh tea 砖茶brick tea

毛茶crudely tea 散茶loose tea

碎茶broken tea 香片perfumed tea

茶片tea siftings 花茶scented(jasmine)tea

茶叶梗tea stale, tea stem 淡茶weak tea

浓茶strong tea 茶园tea garden

茶馆tea house 茶几tea table

减肥茶diet(slimming)tea 保健茶tonic tea

美容茶cosmetic tea 人参茶ginseng tea

姜茶ginger tea 速溶茶instant tea

茶叶蛋salty eggs cooked in tea 擂茶mashed tea

盖碗茶tea served in a set of cups 茶叶表演tea-serving performance

早茶morning tea 茶锈tea stain

茶底tea dregs 茶渣tea grounds

茶香tea aroma


1.茶树tea bush

2.采青tea harvesting

3.茶青tea leaves

4.萎凋withering 日光萎凋sun withering

室内萎凋indoor withering 静置etting




7.杀青fixation 蒸青steaming

炒青stir fixation 烘青baking


8.揉捻rolling 轻揉light rolling

重揉heavy rolling 布揉cloth rolling

9.干燥drying 炒干pan firing

烘干baking 晒干sunning



有不发酵茶,即绿茶non-fermented;后发酵茶,即普洱茶post-fermented;部分发酵茶,半发酵茶,即乌龙茶铁观音)partially fermented;全发酵茶,即红茶complete fermentation。


蒸青绿茶steamed green tea 粉末绿茶powered green tea

银针绿茶silver needle green tea 原形绿茶lightly rubbed green tea

松卷绿茶curled green tea 剑片绿茶sword shaped green tea

条形绿茶twisted green tea 圆珠绿茶pearled green tea


陈放普洱age-puer 渥堆普洱pile-fermented puer


白茶乌龙white oolong 条形乌龙twisted oolong

球形乌龙pelleted oolong 熟火乌龙roasted oolong

白毫乌龙white tipped oolong


工夫红茶unshredded black tea 碎形红茶shredded black tea


熏花绿茶scented green tea 熏花普洱scented puer tea

熏花乌龙scented oolong tea 熏花红茶scented black tea

熏花茉莉jasmine scented green tea


显毫tippy 茸毛含量特别多。

锋苗 tip 芽叶细嫩,紧卷而有尖峰。

身骨 body 茶身轻重。

重实 heavy body 身骨重,茶在手中有沉重感。

轻飘 light 身骨轻,茶在手中分量很轻。

匀整 evenly 比例适当,无脱档现象。

脱档unsymmetry 三段茶比例不当。

匀净 neat 匀整。

挺直 straight 光滑匀齐,不曲不弯。

弯曲bend 不直,呈钩状或弓状。

平伏 flat and even 茶 叶在盘中相互紧贴,无松起架空现象。

紧结 tightly 卷紧而结实。

紧直 tight and straight 卷紧而圆直。

紧实tight and heavy 松紧适中,身骨较重实。

肥壮 fat and bold 芽叶肥嫩身骨重。

壮实 sturdy 尚肥嫩,身骨较重实。

粗实 coarse and bold 嫩度较差,形粗大而尚重实。

粗松 coarse and loose 嫩度差,形状粗大而松散。

松条loose 卷紧度较差。

松扁 loose and flat 不紧而呈平扁状。

扁块 flat and round 结 成扁圆形或不规则圆形带扁的块。

圆浑roundy 条索圆而紧结。

圆直roundy and straight 条索圆浑而挺直。

扁条flaty 条形扁,欠圆浑。

短钝 short and blunt 茶条折断,无峰苗。

短碎 short and broken 面张条短,下段茶多,欠匀整。

松碎 loose and broken 条松而短碎。

下脚重heavy lower parts 下段中最小的筛号茶过多。

爆点 blister 干茶上的凸起泡点。

破口 chop 折、切断口痕迹显露。


清澈 clear 清净、透明、光亮、无沉淀物。

鲜艳 fresh brilliant 鲜明艳丽,清澈明亮。

鲜明 fresh bright 新鲜明亮。

深deep 茶汤颜色深。

浅light colour 茶汤色浅似水。

明亮 bright 茶汤清净透明。

暗dull 不透亮。

混浊 suspension 茶汤中有大量悬浮物,透明度差。

沉淀物precipitate 茶汤中沉于碗底的物质。


高香 high aroma 茶香高而持久。

纯正 pure and normal 茶香不高不低,纯净正常。

平正 normal 较低,但无异杂气。

低low 低微,但无粗气。

钝浊 stunt 滞钝不爽。

闷气 sulks odour 沉闷不爽。

粗气 harsh odour 粗老叶的气息。

青臭气green odour 带有青草或青叶气息。

高火high-fired 微带烤黄的锅巴或焦糖香气。

老火 over-fired 火气程度重于高火。

陈气 stale odour 茶叶陈化的气息。

劣异气gone-off and tainted odour 烟、焦、酸、馊、霉等。


回甘 sweet after taste 回味较佳,略有甜感。

浓厚heavy and thick 茶汤味厚,刺激性强。

醇厚 mellow and thick 爽适甘厚,有刺激性。

浓醇 heavy and mellow 浓爽适口,回味甘醇。

醇正 mellow and normal 清爽正常,略带甜。

醇和mellow 醇而平和,带甜。

平和neutral 茶味正常、刺激性弱。

淡薄 plain and thin 入口稍有茶味,以后就淡而无味。

涩astringency 茶汤入口后,有麻嘴厚舌的感觉。

粗 harsh 粗糙滞钝。

青涩 green and astringency 涩而带有生青味。

苦 bitter 入口即有苦味,后味更苦。

熟味 ripe taste 茶汤 入口不爽,带有蒸熟或闷


高火味high-fire taste 高火气的茶叶

老火味 over-fired taste 近似带焦的味感。

陈味 stale taste 陈变的滋味。

劣异味gone-off and tainted taste 使用时应指明属何种异味。


茶具 tea set 茶杯 tea cup

茶盘 tea tray 茶碟 tea saucer

茶壶 tea pot 茶缸 tea container

紫砂茶壶 ceramic tea pot 茶叶罐 tea caddy

茶杯垫 coaster 茶壶套 tea cosy

茶器 tea strainer 茶匙 teaspoon


备具perpare tea ware 从静态到动态from still to ready position

备水prepare water 温壶warm pot

备茶prepare tea 识茶recognize tea

赏茶appreciate tea 温盅warm pitcher

置茶put in tea 闻香smell fragrance

第一道茶first infusion 计时set timer

烫杯warm cups 倒茶pour tea

备杯prepare cups 分茶divide tea

端杯奉茶serve tea by cups 冲第二道茶second infusion

持盅奉茶serve tea by pitcher 供应 茶点或品泉supply snacks or water

去渣take out brewed leaves 赏叶底appreciate leaves

涮壶rinse pot 归位return to seat

清盅rinse pitcher 收杯collect cups




Welcome to our tea house.


What can I do for you?


Please sit down and have a cup of tea.


This is green/flower tea.


What’s the kind of tea do you prefer,green tea or jasmine tea?


We also have iron buddha and Puer tea.


Would you like tea-set ? We have zisha in yixing and china in jingde town.


Drinking tea everyday is very healthy for your health.


Green tea is conducive to longevity.


This type of tea is made of the bud of tea trees.It tastes very good,please have a try.


It’s the most famous tea of Sichuan/Zhejiang/Yunnan.


We have 20% /10% discount.


Please check out here.


This is your change.


Thank you, welcome to visit again.