首页 理论教育应用前景广阔的视觉检测技术


【摘要】:叶声华 邾继贵 王仲 杨学友摘要:视觉检测技术,尤其是基于三角法的主动和被动视觉检测技术具有非接触、速度快、柔性好等特点,是一种先进的检测手段,适合现代制造业的需要。文章论述了视觉检测技术原理,讨论了已经研制的多个实际视觉检测系统,从不同角度展示了视觉检测技术在现代制造业中广阔的应用前景。关键词:主动视觉 被动视觉 检测系统 现代制造[收稿日期] 1999-06-28。

叶声华 邾继贵 王仲 杨学友

天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室 天津 300072)


关键词:主动视觉 被动视觉 检测系统 现代制造

[收稿日期] 1999-06-28。

[作者简介] 叶声华(1934-),男,湖北沙市人,天津大学教授,博士生导师。


Visual Inspection Technology and its Application

Ye Shenghua Zhu Jigui Wang Zhong Yang Xueyou

(Tianjin University State Key Lab of Precision measuring Technology and

Instruments Tianjing 300072,China)

Abstract:Visual inspection,especially,the active visual inspection and passive visual inspection based on triangulation method has advantages of non-contact,rapid speed,flexibility,etc.Visual inspection is a advanced inspection technology,satisfies modern manufacturing demands.This pa-per discusses the principle of visual inspction,studies several developed applied visual inspection systems,these systems demostrate wide application foreground of visual inspection from different points of view.

Key words:active visual inspection;passive visual inspection;inspection system;modern manu-facturing